F.X.Mozart & Clementi PCs from Hyperion

Started by John H White, Sunday 05 July 2009, 22:11

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John H White

 If you enjoy Mozart piano concertos as I do, and want more you only need go to his youngest son Franz Xaver Mozart(1791-1844), whose 2 concertos, to me at any rate, mirror Wolfgang's style, if not his genius. These are currently available on a Novalis CD. F X Mozart seems to have written some piano music and a handful of chamber works but not much else, most of his adult life being spent as a concert pianist and a teacher. Neither he nor his only surviving elder brother married and so the Mozart line of musicians died out with them.


I have that F.X.Mozart CD.  Excellent music.  The apple did not fall far from the tree. 

Alan Howe

From Hyperion's website:

Unfamiliar Mozart & Clementi Piano Concertos constitute August's Record of the Month: unfamiliar because the Mozart in question is Franz Xaver, Wolfgang Amadeus's youngest child. The Sinfonieorchester St Gallen makes a Hyperion debut, with Howard Shelley—in his familiar dual role of soloist and conductor—proving the most persuasive advocate in this third volume of Hyperion's Classical Piano Concerto series.


Nothing out of the ordinary here - the works featured here have been recorded before - Both the Piano concertos of FX Mozart and Clementi. Shelley's nimble fingers might make a very different case for these after all...!

Mark Thomas

Even with Shelley involved, I'm afraid that my heart doesn't leap at the prospect.

Alan Howe

Nor did mine - until I heard the excerpt on Hyperion's website. Delicious!

Gareth Vaughan

I agree, Alan. It certainly is delicious. This is one CD I will definitely be buying.

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

if I hadn't heard that excerpt, I'd have written off the release...


Yesterday I was enjoying again the 2 amazing piano concertos by Mozart's son, Xaver Mozart. If I would listen to them for the first time I would bet that they were written by his father! How moving especially the slow movements!


( I know only one other example, where a son follows his father in an amazing way of whom I am a huge fan: Jakob Dylan ;-) )

Gareth Vaughan

They are also available of course on Hyperion in their "Classical Piano Concerto" series (coupled with the PC by Clementi), played by Howard Shelley and the SinfonieOrchester St Gallen. Hugely enjoyable music!

Alan Howe

Enjoyable, yes - but no comparison with his father, surely?

Gareth Vaughan

Agreed, Alan. Let's keep things in perspective.

Alan Howe

Quite. Perspective, of course, requires a certain degree of objectivity. And objectivity requires a certain level of knowledge - and humility.

Gareth Vaughan