KARA KARAYEV Ballet Suites

Started by sdtom, Tuesday 16 August 2011, 15:28

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Delos has released another CD from Russian Disc. This time it is some of his ballet suites again something I don't have any experience with. I did purchase the Naxos release 8.570720 of Don Quixote, Leyla and Mejnun, and his 3rd Symphony. http://sdtom.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/orchestral-workskara-karayev/ You can tell how heavily influenced he was by Shostakovich. Need to listen to this release several more times.
Tom :)


I own Karaev ballet suites "The Seven Beauties" and "The Path of Thunder" on Olympia OCD 491 (1993 recording) and found them rather good stuff).
Oddly in 2008 I attended (in Berlin) a Concert by The Youth Phil. of Azerbaijan and Karaev Don Quixote was performed (and also an Amirov work).



Quote from: alberto on Tuesday 16 August 2011, 20:10
I own Karaev ballet suites "The Seven Beauties" and "The Path of Thunder" on Olympia OCD 491 (1993 recording) and found them rather good stuff).
Oddly in 2008 I attended (in Berlin) a Concert by The Youth Phil. of Azerbaijan and Karaev Don Quixote was performed (and also an Amirov work).

Amirov has a very satisfying ballet based on the 1001 Nights. It was released by Melodiya in the late 60's or early 70's and worth listening to.


I have the double Olympia/Melodiya  Amirov CD (the Arabian Nights; Symphony for Strings; Shur -Symphonic Mugam- recordings from 1964 to 1992).
There is also a good Naxos Cd (of symphonic "Mugams").
Even Stokowsky recorded a "Mugam" by Amirov (coupled on an Everest Lp to Scriabin Poeme de l''Extase).


Stokowski's repertoire was wide-ranging and included Schoenberg, Mahler and Havergal Brian (whose 28th symphony he premiered)...

Joachim Raff

I was interested in the latest from David because its from an unsung composer. I found the content of this naxos disc quite charming. Here is the review of his 7 beauties ballet suite\;


Alan Howe

We've decided that the ballet suites are OK for discussion here, but nothing of Karayev's beyond them.