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A Riddle…

Started by Peter1953, Thursday 05 January 2012, 21:22

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Hrm. Doesn't the Rontgen Aus Goethes Faust (1930) also count as dramatic after a fashion... I guess maybe not.


I guess, as could Sulamith (1932)

One thing that hasn't been commented on is how prolific he was in the last 2 years of his life - more than many composers' entire oeuvre.
4 cello sonatas
18 symphonies
12 piano sonatas

95 works altogether.


In the spirit of the OP, here is another one, which I imagine some people here (but nowhere else) will find easy.

"The more modern music I study, the more do I feel that in X we possess the greatest living composer - not the greatest living musical artist perhaps - but the chief of them who worship and express themselves in pure tone."

Who is X and who is writing?

Alan Howe

Rutland Boughton on Algernon Ashton.

Now back to Röntgen, please  ;)


See? I knew you would get it!


Sorry if I got the thread into never-never land and off the main topic of Roentgen, whose music I admire.
My mention of Langgaard was only in reference to the suggestion that some prolific composers are unsung because their best music sometimes gets buried in the abundance of their music of lesser quality or interest. Which may be a silly proposition. I did see a similarity in composers in that they were both very prolific northern European late romantics who were composing at about the same time and who had at least a dozen symphonies.
I was quite clear in stating that I was not suggesting there was any similarity to style, quality and temperament but this point was ignored by some. In further thought, I think comparing composers is a slippy slope which can unleash the silliest rhetoric and I should have known better.
I'll add that I have the entire set of Langgaard symphonies and some other orchestral works. While they have their moments, I acquired them out of curiosity to see what oddity was next and what was behind the catchy titles. IMHO Langaarrd's music is largely amateurish, not in the same league as a master like Roentgen who I must hear more of..