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CD sale

Started by Ilja, Tuesday 18 January 2011, 20:14

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Hi, due to space constraints and the necessity to raise some money for an upcoming research trip to Buenos Aires (I'm sure it'll be nothing but hardship...) which is going to set me back somewhat, I'm selling part of my CD collection: double copies from my time as a reviewer, things I don't listen to anymore and impulse buys that could've used a second thought: most of them are unsungs and I'm selling them for between 2 and 4 euros a disc.

Postage will add something but I won't charge you more than the post office charges me. If you're interested, drop me a line via a direct message, or by e-mail at ilja AT me DOT com and I'll send you a specified list.

Also, you have my word that everything that I have left after the plane, bus, and hotel are paid will be re-invested in a classical music recording. And just to be clear, I have Mark's approval for this.