Reviews of the Beethoven sonatas

Started by, Thursday 23 May 2013, 20:01

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This is hardly anything to do with unsung romantics, so I'm in severe risk of being slung off. But I simply cannot resist it.

The appearance of a fairly sober review by Jonathan Woolf on MusicWeb this evening of a recent EMI set of the Beethoven sonatas reminded me of an earlier one of the same set by Brian Reinhart. I confess that when I read it I rolled about the place with giggles, and tears actually cascaded down the cheeks. On whether Mr Reinhart's claims are justified or not I will not advance any opinion. However it did strike me as one of the funniest, if not the most downright hilarious, things I have read for ages. It leaves Shaw at his sharpest way behind.

Have friends on the forum looked at it? And with the same reaction? The Reinhart review is easily found by clicking on the link provided early in the Woolf review.

Enjoy! (And may moderators forgive me!)

Alan Howe