Henry John Westrop 1812-1879

Started by giles.enders, Saturday 15 June 2013, 11:18

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Henry John Westrop  born 22 July 1812  Lavenham, Suffolk   died  23 September 1879 London

Composer, violinist and organist.  Violinist at The Italian Opera in London and organist initially in Norfolk and later at several London churches.  Little is known about his musical education.

Brother of Thomas B. Westrop composer.  1816-1881


Symphony  1838  accidentally destroyed.


Piano quintet  in E flat  1843
Piano quintet  in C minor  1844
Piano quartet  in A flat  Op.2  1838   pub. by Augener & Co.
Piano trio in F  1841
String quartet in E flat  Op.1 MS in The British Library
String quartet in E
Violin sonata in F  1844
Viola sonata  in E flat
Flute sonata in F  Op.6


Allegro in E flat
'Greeting'  1866
'Parting'  1866
'A Summer Eve'


Cantata  'Winter'  for bass voice and orchestra
Anthem  'O taste and see'  in E flat


'Maid of Bremen' + one other


Four short voluntaries


The piano quartet (in A-flat) can be downloaded (thanks to Merton) from IMSLP.