That "I'd forgotten he was so good" moment...

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 06 May 2010, 19:04

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I've just finished listening to the Anton Rubinstein Cello Concerto #2 for about the 3rd time in the last couple of days, ever since I burned it onto a CD for a friend of mine who is fond of cello music (along with the first two Davydov concertos).  I still keep on thinking this is repertory material, more so than his 1st concerto, attractive as that one is.  Scarcely a wasted note in it, and what notes are wasted I wouldn't do without.  The work is structurally unique in Rubinstein's concerto output, and its Russian element is particularly pronounced for Rubinstein.  At the end of the finale, I'm so tempted to jump to my feet and cheer I risk bumping my head on my car ceiling, since I'm listening to it while driving.  Criminally neglected...


Hi. I last week received the Marco Polo re-released on the Naxos label of Greef's 2 PCs (Devreese), acting on recommendations by members of the forum. Another of the cds on my wish list (the list is long!!!). I was not disappointed. Greef's music is very enjoyable to listen to and  I will be looking  out for other works by this composer.
