Disma Fumagalli 1826-93) Piano Concerto

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 03 July 2013, 15:32

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Alan Howe

Posted elsewhere and moved here:

Yes, this is a charming piece. Thank you so much for uploading it. Can you tell us the provenance of the performance/recording? A live broadcast, I presume. Fumagalli wrote a number of pieces for the left hand alone, but no LH piano concerto (as far as I know).



the correct prename is Disma, without ending 's'

Unfortunately, the youtube link does not offer much information: Orazio Scortino is the pianist and conductor, recorded at "Teatro alla Scala", Milano. On Scortino's homepage one can conclude that it is a recording from 2011, his debut there. If so, the orchestra was "i Cameristi della Scala".

Alan Howe


Quote from: Alan Howe on Wednesday 03 July 2013, 15:32
Posted elsewhere and moved here:

Yes, this is a charming piece. Thank you so much for uploading it.  ... 

Yes, hear, hear. I had never heard of Fumagalli before now, and this is a very pleasant surprise. Thank you.  :)


His brother Adolfo is perhaps marginally better known amongst pianists interested in the lesser known romantics.

He wrote some pretty spectacular operatic transcriptions in a Lisztian/Thalbergian vein, much of which is beyond the reach of 3rd rate hacks such as me.



Brothers Carlo, Luca and Polibio were also composers. Some organ works by Polibio Fumagalli (1830-1900) are at IMSLP. Is there a left-paren missing in the subject?

(5 works- some operatic fantasies, a "Studio Trascendentale", after Moise for piano left hand, etc. ...- and an arrangement (of the overture of Benvenuto Cellini, for piano solo) by Adolfo Fumagalli are also uploaded there.)

Gareth Vaughan

I must apologise. When I said that Fumagalli wrote a number of piano pieces for the LH only, it was Adolfo I was thinking of, not Disma.