Your fav unsung work: sharing why

Started by Paul Barasi, Tuesday 19 November 2013, 01:24

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Oh, Enescu may be unsung but in my house he's one of the greats.  But his compositions tend to the modern. For example, his Impressions d'enfance contains extended passages that would have sounded new had they been written in the 1970s or 80s.


I'm glad that I discovered him even though it took me a long time. I tend to agree with you as far as the modernism is concerned.

Alan Howe

In this respect, Enescu is like other composers of the same generation such as Szymanowski, Bloch (and, I suppose, Vaughan Williams) who began their composing careers under the influence of the late romantics (hence their inclusion here) and then went on to develop more modern idioms, often influenced by ethnic or folk music.