Dvorak Cello Concerto: Unsung Version of a Sung Concerto

Started by tcutler, Tuesday 19 November 2013, 23:51

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Just finished listening to the new Isserlis recording of the Dvorak Cello Concerto (excellent), including a track of the original third-movement ending (awful!). The liner notes mention that Hanus Wihan composed two cadenzas for Dvorak's Concerto. Does anyone know if these cadenzas are published or if they have been recorded? Thanks!

Alan Howe

I've taken far too long to listen to Isserlis' splendid recording of the A major Cello Concerto (in the completion by Raphael). It's a really splendid, indeed sonorous account of this lovely work, which surely ought to be better known; on occasions it even comes close to an Elgarian breadth of utterance (try 2 mins. onwards in the slow movement). Wonderful.


Odd timing, as it's on the scheduale for my third listen tommorow morning. And yes, it's a very enjoyable piece, and I think of the three versions -- this one, the other orchestration (by Burghauser), and the original for cello and piano, this one is the best even if it's cut (as is the Burghauser).

It's indeed a great disc with a terrific choice of programming -- the orchestral version of the song was an inspired choice as an extra, and eh the original finale is at least interesting to hear, I'm always interested in composers' first thoughts like that.

Back to the comment at hand, I occasionally wonder if cases like this where a composer wrote an extremely popular work is why others aren't known at all. This may not be the best example, but stuff like, say, Saint-Saens other symphonies or Mendelssohn's other incidental music might be better known and more widely recorded were it not for the success of the Organ Symphony and Midsummer. Just a thought.


TerraEpon, You are absolutely right.
Godard - berceuse being so famous that his outstanding Concertos lay forgotten [I especially like the 2nd Piano Concerto!].
The serenades of Fuchs often eclipsed his Symphonic output.
Spohr - Violin Concerto No. 8 Vs the rest of his Violin concertos.
Viotti - Violin Concerto No. 23 Vs. the rest of his Violin concertos
or my personal Fav case.... [up until a few years ago... Thank GOD that's not the case now!] Raff - Cavatina Vs the Rest of his output!


You mean Viotti VC 22.  The 23rd is fairly well neglected.  The 22nd was the favorite of Brahms and Joachim, and inspired a theme in the Double Concerto (which is in the same key).


if memory serves, the 23rd isn't quite as neglected among one group anyway (teachers and pupils)- or I may be thinking of another concerto of his... not speaking from experience (I was a violist-of-sorts, though never even remotely a good one.)


Actually  I was refering to No. 22.. the A minor one!