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Kahn Piano Trios

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 02 April 2014, 06:04

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Alan Howe


I was just wondering, a few hours ago, if they'd been recorded. Thanks. (Actually, I saw that the 2nd trio was "in the repertoire of the Hyperion Trio" at their website; and now indeed they're the trio that has recorded them, including the 4th trio which I had never heard of. Indeed thanks...)

Alan Howe


Too cool!! I have a feeling Kahn's going to make a big comeback.

Mark Thomas

A very welcome issue, but isn't it strange how recording companies suddenly seem to get a simultaneous enthusiasm for the same composer?


well, almost in time for his 150th birthday next year, too...-- interestingly... (oh, I expect it is a coincidence; but interesting.)


Got this in the mail today, it's fantastic! Pretty amazing music this good has gone unrecorded for so long.


Swiss radio Tuesday 1 July at 13.45 CET:

Robert Kahn
Klaviertrio Nr. 1 E-Dur Op. 19

Johannes Brahms
Klaviertrio Nr. 1 H-Dur Op. 8



Do you mean Swiss Radio Classic, or a different station? (I'm guessing the latter, since the former no longer seems to play many lengthy works- e.g. in 40 minutes they're playing one movement of Mendelssohn's 2nd string quintet, not the whole thing..., though the variety of the classical music they do play is still commendable. Hrm. And I don't see Kahn listed on the 1 July schedule of Radio Swiss Classic anycase (though they're starting the day off at 00:29 with some movements of a suite by a fellow - probably some Swiss local chap- named Joseph Joachim Raff, I wonder who that is... :D )

(Though I do see some complete works that day- a piano concerto by Rosetti, an overture by Hummel, a symphony by Beck (F.I., not Conrad :) ) and a symphony by JCF Bach; and others. Also Prince Louis Ferdinand's rondo for piano and orchestra (hrm!!) But no Kahn. Hrm. I'll have to look for the station you mean- I'm guessing it's listed in the pinned post at top of this forum. Will go have a look. Sorry...)


You are right, it's not Swiss Radio Classic - I don't often listen to this despite being Swiss myself... I should have said (actually meant to provide the link, sorry): SRF 2 Kultur

(Conrad Beck on Swiss radio - that'll be the day...)


I think he's sometimes on RAI Italy Classical, which seems from their programming to have an even greater amount of that diversity and range of musical programming (era from early to recent and inbetween/unsung/sung/&c&c&c...) that I really admire in a station (they, and Netherlands Concertzender- which latter I'm told is under threat (which figures... grrr...) but - yes. Back to Kahn. And thank you for the link; how long do they keep such things up @ SRF, may I ask, since I might want to wait to hear it until I get back from vacation a week from now myself, if I can...? On a Facebook group we were given a link to Latvian radio (also really impressive in their programming, my POV) and told that that station archived much of their programming not quite indefinitely, but still, for several months.


Thanks for pointing out the RAI channel, I'll have to give that a try. As for SRF, I'm afraid I have no idea how long things are available after they have been broadcast. I do think this whole rights business makes it very difficult to know what is available where and for how long. Austrain Ö1 for example never have any musical content available for downloading, not even for a day or so, and on Norwegian NRK even radio plays with some incidental music were all of a sudden no longer available or only with the music cut out, say from a radio play...


Concertzender stuffs are available more or less indefinitely (even though most are CD broadcasts, not live), Swedish Radio P2's morning program for a month, BBC Radio 3 is archived for a week mostly; Czech Radio Rozhlas D-dur and Radio Stephansdom Austria don't archive, but have some really interesting programming (Czech Radio with lots of live broadcasts from decades-accumulated, Radio Stephansdom mostly CDs but apparently a nice collection, especially their Nachtprogramm with their occasional nights of 1st symphonies, 3rd symphonies, 8th symphonies, etc. by various sometimes somewhat obscure composers, or whathaveyou- one gets the idea :D...) and schedule readable in advance for at least a week or so; and I use Radio Wave Tuner to help me find some of these, very searchable site for a week in advance (when one's figured out what it can and can't do, of course and how to make the best use of it- &c!) - hope that's somewhat useful...

Re copyright, and all you mention above- it does not make me more sanguine :( to consider that there have been for awhile - I gather, but now I read that I am maybe not just being paranoid or just reading paranoid people but there may be actual evidence ... - that there have been for awhile treaties under consideration to make the copyright treaties harsher across the international board, not more reasonable - and this without much if any democratic discussion.  (A sci-fi author named Charles Stross wrote a rather interesting essay about the patchwork nature of copyright law, and why he and a fellow author published a book under Creative Commons, as part of the preface to that book. Essay's not available separately, unfortunately, but a search should turn it up. Good book so far anyway (will continue reading it soon, I quite like his stuff) but I overextend my time and return the floor.) (To clarify though: especially as a would-have-been creator/composer/whathaveyou, I have no problem at all with us getting remuneration for our work. Copyright doesn't seem to be much about that anymore, I think, and probably hasn't been for ages- Schoenberg was complaining about something the like over a century ago in an essay that can be found in "Style and Idea" (ack, Schoenberg agrees with me- now everyone will disagree with me- I really must stop here.))