Vincenzo Ferroni (1858-1934)

Started by jerfilm, Thursday 07 August 2014, 16:58

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I don't see this unsung mentioned elsewhere.  I just stumbled across a recording released back in November by  La Bottega Discantica of Ferroni's Violin Sonata in F and Piano Trio in D, opus 54 coupled with a Piano Trio serenata by Zandonai.  Not masterpiece stuff, for sure but very listenable.  I especially enjoyed the lovely slow movement of the Ferroni trio.


Alan Howe


BTW there's some information on him online (in Italian) at the websites Treccani and Wikipedia (Italian) (with similar articles at the French, German and, more briefly at present, Russian Wikipedias. The violin sonata, and the piano trio, are both @IMSLP.)