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Gabriel Dupont (1878-1914)

Started by Aramiarz, Monday 20 October 2014, 02:23

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The orchestral legacy of Dupont is forgotten, only the verist oper La Cabrera was available in (Bongiovanni), I can't get this Cd , I'm searching If any shop have it. Someone had listened this work?

I have the timpani Cd with quintet, Atma Cd double with 2 important cycles  by piano, And the melodies in Timpani, only  I can say that enjoy very much this works And wish soon it will be posible listen the works below listed (I'll be glad with listen any fragment) ;D

Dupont, Gabriel (1878-1914)
Gabriel Dupont. Le Chant de la destinée (symphonic poem)

Dupont, Gabriel (1878-1914)
Gabriel Dupont. La Farce du cuvier : Ouverture. Intermède pastoral

Dupont, Gabriel (1878-1914)
Antar, opéra. Partition d'orchestre. Actes I à IV
Heugel, éditeur

Dupont, Gabriel (1878-1914)
La Glu. Gabriel Dupont


If you have interest in listen extraits of the works by Gabriel Dupont, please follow this link, the initial  piece is of Widor 5th organ symphony. This is for understand the relation with Dupont, whom was his disciple, moreover studied with Massenet. It's one program Hommage to Dupont


Thanks, I love Dupont's pianomusic ever since I heard, now about thirty years ago, Daniel Blumenthals cd of Les Heures Dolentes. Today more of his music is available: the Poème for piano and strings, La Maison dans les Dunes for piano and his Mélodies. But there are some major works missing. I'd love to hear a complete version of his great opera Antar, his Esquisse symphonique Jours d'Été and the Chant de la destinée for orchestra. Dupont even orchestrated a few of his Heures Dolentes and I am quite curious how he translated his major piano-composition to the orchestra.


Hi Sibeliusfan,
I can oblige with a copy of the Kiel production of Antar from 2009. I have never regretted going to see it and the opera is still vivid in my memory. I don't understand why it's not been taken up by other houses. the music is powerful and a significant advance on La Cabrera, which I bought on CD afterwards and was midly disappointed. Antar would make an excellent choice in the Palazzetto Blu Zane French Opera Series.


Hello BerlinExpat,
That would be great. I heard La Cabrera once (on the radio) and wasn't very impressed. The few fragments of Antar I have heard (on YouTube) are much more interesting.


Hi Sibeliusfan,
I'll dig Antar out of my archive and upload it.
In the meantime here are three excerpts on YouTube from the Kiel production to whet your appetite:

A CPO recording was planned, but that was in 2009! Need I say any more?!


Dear Berlín And Sibelius, thank You for Yours comments! I'm getting Scores by Dupont, have You idea about where is the Jours d'ete? Thank You for upload La Cabrera And Antar! Where? Sibelius Do You know about where are the piano pieces orchestrated? What is your opinión about the melodies? There are beautiful!


All works by Dupont interest me to the highest point!
Beautiful melodies, nice piano pieces and a wonderful piano quintet. That's why I'm in a haste to listen to some of his orchestral music, particularly his operas.
Thanks in advance for posting Antar!


Thanks BerlinExpat, I'm eager to listen to the complete Antar. It will give me more opportunity to know Duponts more mature orchestral writing. So sad he died young.
And Aramiarz, I wish I could help you. I have no idea where Duponts orchestral scores could be. And yes, I agree, I am very fond of his mélodies, especially the eight Poèmes d'Automne and his first mélodie "la Pluie', but maybe that's because I love Verlaines poem so much. And do listen to la Crépuscule de l'été.


Thank you for uploading Antar. I'll listen to it when I've time!
By the way, the score (song + piano) is available at,_Gabriel%29.
Libretto (in French) :


Ok dear friends, I think so that the Dupont's are lovely!! I have some scores, above mentioned. I nee find Jour's d'ete!!


Thank you dear Berlin!!! I have the score of La Glu and 2 fragments of the La farce, I hope that in 2016, we can do one concert with these pieces and his symphonic poem Le Chante..


Dear BerlinExpat:
    Thank You very much for upload Antar, I listened the first link, is wonderful!!
I hope And want in 2016, rescue more music by Dupont, I have some Scores, we will see the mater for get parts, etc

Beautiful music!

Alan Howe


I happened upon Dupont's music, last year, and was immediately struck by its quality. At the time, I was looking for a work to adapt for flutes with piano and enthusiastically chose the last movement of Poeme 'Joyeux et Ensoleille'. The original movement is very long, some 12 minutes and I decided to make cuts, especially where the original writing for strings would not happily adapt to flutes, bringing it down to a more manageable 9 or 6 minutes [according to the players' choice] and arguably creating a more satisfactory structure. You may be interested in the demo track that I added to YouTube with images and information about Dupont.