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Schola cantorum

Started by Aramiarz, Monday 13 October 2014, 05:49

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This important music School was founded by Guilmant, D'indy, Tombelle And Bordes! I'm seeking Bordes's Scores, anyone has contact with people or staff (may be the Library) of the Schola Cantorum?



Yes, dear Eschiss1!

It's easy to note as You are very good researcher!


Dear eschiss1, Timpani released two excellents cd's with Bordes Charles, melodies And fantasies rytmiques for piano solo, I like very much these works the teacher of Gerard Souzay, (after say You her name), said that each time that one singer performance Bordes to do justice, He is one great forgotten composer, in my opinion the Bordes's melodies are Master works, in the high of the Duparc melodies. The melodies are wonderful! :D


Erm, thank you.

Some of his orchestral works are only there in arranged form. If you want the (manuscript) complete score and parts of e.g. his Basque rhapsody (for piano and orchestra - ah, i see we have a full score at IMSLP, though not the parts), check with the Free Library of Philadelphia which, according to their online library catalog, will loan same to institutions (orchestras, libraries, ...) and has a copy of the whole work under "512P Entire Work". Another place to check is the French National Library (


Dear Erick:
   I had contact with Fleisher for Rapsodie Basque (dedicated to Chabrier, 1888). The project is that the next year performance And recording all these works.
   I have too, trois danses Bernoises And Pastoral. I have 3 works. In IMSLP is the Divertissement, one very rare piece for trumpet And orchestra (Imslp has the reduction for piano).  Boosey have this score. I have some much interest in Bordes music. In the page of Recueillement this is one link about one program that made with my friend The pianist Rodolfo Ritter about Bordes. I wish You can listen it ::)
I'm writing answer or the BNF for material of the oper Les trois vagues by Bordes... :'(


I thought I found score and parts listed @ Worldcat for a work for flute quintet by Bordes at the Brooklyn Public Library but the institution's own library lists no such work, alas. Pity, seemed an interesting prospect, I would have seen if I could interloan it and if successful maybe digitized it for IMSLP...