Leonid Malashkin (1842-1902)

Started by Christopher, Tuesday 01 December 2015, 20:41

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Something that amused me that I thought I would share:

I recently downloaded from itunes a CD called "Dmitri Hvorostovsky: I Met You, My Love - Songs" as it had orchestral songs by 19th century Russian composers that are definitely unsung.

Among these is a certain Leonid Dimitrievitch Malashkin (1842-1902).  I thought I would look him up.  His wikipedia entry is rather unfortunate! 

Leonid Dimitrievitch Malashkin (1842 – February 11, 1902) was a Russian composer and conductor. Though he wrote a few works in larger forms, he is today chiefly remembered for his romances, particularly "Oh, Could I But Express in Song"....

Little is recorded of Malashkin's career; born in Moscow, he received his musical training abroad, and in 1870 began teaching voice at the Kiev Theological Seminary. He appears to have been primarily a composer of Russian Orthodox liturgical music, of pieces for piano, and of songs. Among his larger-format works were several symphonies, including at least two on folk themes and one titled the "Triumphant"; the latter, along with one of the folk symphonies and a collection of songs, was performed at an all-Malashkin concert at the Hall of the Assembly of the Nobility in Saint Petersburg in 1873. The same program was repeated in Moscow during the same concert season. In both cases, the composer conducted, with tenor Fyodor Nikolsky and mezzo-soprano Aleksandra Krutikova as soloists. Neither of the concerts was successful, with one contemporary critic writing:

So far Mr Malashkin's attempts at composing are no more than a harmless passion, but if nothing is done to hinder the development of this passion, then God alone knows what lamentable consequences lie in store for this misguided lover of musical composition. The point is that, in spite of Mr Malashkin's quite amazing lack of talent, he is evidently working hard on perfecting his imaginary abilities as a composer, for in his dreary and aimless musical outpourings one can nevertheless see a certain schooling and theoretical knowledge. 

Oh dear...

Mark Thomas

Before I read this post, all I knew of Malashkin is the (I suspect) apocryphal story of someone asking in a shop for the sheet music of "Kodaly's Buttock-Pressing Song". It turned out that what was really wanted was Malashkin's "Could I But Express in Song"! Kodaly is pronounced (KOH-dai) of course

Alan Howe