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Das Wunder der Heliane at Bard 2019

Started by edurban, Monday 20 August 2018, 02:17

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On my way home from today's excellent semi-staged performance of The Tsar's Bride at Bard.   Delighted to see that the theme of next year's festival will be "Korngold and His World".  No hint as to whether Heliane will be a run of staged performances or a single concert.  Exciting stuff, either way.           David


Thanks for that tip. I'm clearing the calendar - Korngold live is too much to resist!


Will this be 'Heliane's US premiere?                                           
Btw, Bard usually does 2 operas, is staged and has several performances (like this year's Demon) and then a single concert performance of something like Tsar's Bride.  So we could get Schreker or Zemlinsky or something entirely different as a bonus.


Edit: er, never mind, you're probably right, though I'll keep looking into it... (concert performance in the UK in 2007 and staged a year or two ago, but nothing in the US, apparently. Hrm.)


Details are now on line. This is indeed the US premiere. There will also be a concert performance of Die tote Stadt and many concerts and lectures devoted to Korngold, PLUS a season of his films!