Karel Kovařovic: Psohlavci (The Dogheads)

Started by Alan Howe, Sunday 03 March 2019, 18:35

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Alan Howe

M. Yaskovsky

I've owned this recording but eventually sold it. I found the record quality very mediocre, voices very much in front and the orchestra about at the other end of the street. Bathing chamber acoustics. And for the work itself I thought it was rather trying to imitatie The Bartered Bride too much.

Alan Howe

Yes: one has to treat this virtually as a historic recording. In those terms, it's perfectly acceptable. The work itself isn't really all that interesting, although I wouldn't really compare it to Smetana's masterpiece as its idiom is clearly that of a later composer (it was written 30 years after the Smetana).