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D'Indy's "Fervaal"

Started by adriano, Saturday 29 June 2019, 15:09

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This opera is this year's Montpellier's choice

The France Musique broadcast will be a direct one, so I will try to record it.
Date: July 24th at 20:00 hrs

Alan Howe

Wow - and with Michael Spyres too! Thanks so much!


Live broadcast Wednesday 23 July from Montpellier:

Vincent d' Indy
Fervaal Op. 40
Opéra en 3 actes et un prologue sur un livret du compositeur d'après le poème "Axel" d'Esaias Tégner.

Michael Spyres (ténor), Fervaal
Gaëlle Arquez (mezzo-soprano), Guilhen
Jean-Sébastien Bou (baryton), Arfagard
Elisabeth Jansson (mezzo-soprano), Kaito
Nicolas Legoux (basse), Grympuig
Eric Huchet (ténor), Lennsmor
Kaëlig Boché (ténor), Edwig
Camille Tresmontant (ténor) 4ème Paysan, 1er Paysan sarrazin, Chennos
François Piolino (ténor), Ilbert
Rémy Mathieu (ténor), Ferkemnat, Moussah
Matthieu Lécroart (baryton), Geywihr, 5ème Paysan
Eric Martin-Bonnet (basse), Penwald, Buduann
Pierre Doyen (baryton), le Messager, 3ème Paysan, 2ème Paysan sarrazin
Jérôme Boutillier (baryton), 1er Paysan, Gwellkingubar
Anas Seguin (basse), Berddret
Guilhem Worms (baryton-basse), Helwrig
François Rougier (ténor), 2ème Paysan, Le Berger, Le Barde
Choeur de la Radio Lettone
Choeur de l'Opéra national de Montpellier Occitanie
Orchestre national de Montpellier Occitanie
Michael Schonwandt, dir.


I've already announced this on June 29th, DK :-)
I will try to record it and to make a download available until the CD will be released.

Alan Howe

I've merged the two threads. Thanks, Adriano.

Could I remind all posters to check whether a thread already exists so as to avoid repetition? Thanks.


Thanks, Alan.
Anyway, my broadcasting channel broke down totally after about 2 hrs, meaning that my recording will not be complete.
Not to speak about the fact that my internet Radio connection is full of interruptions since a long time already...
In the hot season I always have problems with TV and Digital Radio - and the problems with Internet Radio may be coming from the fact that since June they have opened the streets in my district, in order to replace all kind of pipes. The daily noise of machines and baggers drives me crazy, especially now that I am working on a complicated score and finishsing up the edit of my Fritz Brun documentary...
So perhaps somebody else has recorded this opera without disturbances.


Hadrianus, I have it complete but there's a glitch just over 17 minutes into the prologue. Is your recording of the prologue satisfactory? If so perhaps we can do a split upload.

The opera is CD unfriendly: the Prologue is 20 minutes, Act 1 is 69 minutes, Act 2 is 61 minutes and act 3 is 51 minutes.


The broadcast is available on demand on France musique at the previously posted link.


Cannot find this podcast, DK...

In any case, BerlinExpat: I have that glitch too, so it was a broadcast thing. I've tried to repair it, a note or two may be missing now, but it's better than nothing...


I have it from France Musique. Should I upload it ?


yes, please, jperdrix :-)
Suppose you have that glitch at 17:00 mintes in the Prelude too; my recording is also from France Musique.
But, as already mentioned, I repaired this one second's glitch in a way it should not affect too much the music.


I mean, I got it from the podcast. I didn't notice any glitch during the prologue. I'll edit it and upload the whole work.

Mark Thomas

How does this performance compare with the 2009 Berne performance already in our Downloads board, please?


It's been uploded. As a bonus, I've added the vocal score in d'Indy's reduction.


Thanks jdperdrix :-)
In other words, the podcast's Prelude is not defective. Which (luckily) means that it was a broacast interference.