Franz Lachner's 2nd & 4th symphonies; an appeal.

Started by John H White, Monday 12 August 2019, 16:04

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Mark Thomas

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, Gerd, because your realisations of the first three movements of this symphony (not to mention the whole of the 6th) have been amazing, but I wonder whether you finished the fourth movement of the 2nd? Please forgive my impatience, but this work of yours has been a revelation.


Dear Mark, I am very glad  that these symphonies have become a "revealation" for you - surely they are this for me!
As I wrote in the other thread  I could ignite the enthusiasm of a friend for this work and he is now working on the Finale also with NotePerformer and should finish it in 2 weeks or so ...😊😊
He finished the expostion part by now ...

Mark Thomas


I second this; considering how much work it does take to render a manuscript (even smaller ones, but- especially given how that of the 4th symphony looks...) into performable shape, I (too?) wasn't expecting to see or hear any part of the 2nd or 4th symphonies for a good long while yet if at all, so thank you again.


I wrote that a friend has begun to do the finale of the second symph. - sorry to say that he quitt after the beginning of the development - he doesn't find more time :-( So I have to do it myself - it is a long movement with many many notes and much much work ... I need another 2 weeks or so ... sorry
But I can say that the exposition is great and has lots of "fire" :-)



Take your time Gerd, there's no need to rush. It'll be terrific to hear no doubt! Likewise, I had begun the 1st mv. of the 4th S. some time back but there's another 40 pages left to go. Even less time now... perhaps a Christmas miracle will witness it done by end of December  :)


Dear tpaloj,

I finally made it to finish the wonderful Finale of the 2nd symphony - till tomorrow I will present it here :-)

I had written you a message a few weeks ago asking for the XML File of your Scherzo version of the 2nd symphony but didn't get an answer yet. Could you send it to me so I can make my corrections of my version? Thank you!



Excellent Gerd! Unfortunately I must have missed that message (went to spam mail perhaps), but I'll send you the file soon as I can.


So here it is: the awesome Finale of Lachner's great 2nd symphony - so full of great and melodious themes, extraordinary orchestration (brass !) - and so much fire .... I hope you will enjoy it as I do (I am addicted to listening to this splendid Finale:-)


Exposition     0:00
Development 3:15
Recapitulation 5:33
Coda             9:14

I wonder whether I put a bit too much volume to the brass ...?



Gerd, thank you so much for this work. With the exception of no. 4, we now have all symphonies (well, more or less; let's give a bit of leeway to no. 7).

The brass is a bit on the dominant side; but rather than lowering its volume, I'd suggest increasing everything else. Coming from the preceding scherzo, the beginning of the final comes across as a bit p, and I can't imagine that was meant to be.


Great stuff! The ending is very powerful / inspiring .... well done!

Mark Thomas

Belated thanks from me too, Gerd. Hugely appreciated.

Gareth Vaughan

May I echo Mark's thanks. Wonderful to be able to hear this terrific work. I would very much appreciate seeing the full score now you have so painstakingly transcribed it. Would it be possible to have a copy?


Dear Gareth,

I am glad you like the work and thank you for your interest in the score. Here is it:


Gareth Vaughan

Dear Gerd,

Thank you very much indeed. I really appreciate your kindness, generosity and hard work. I do hope very much that some enterprising company (CPO perhaps) can be persuaded to record this and the 6th symphony with a professional orchestra. The listening public will have a real treat in store.