Dutton Epoch and Lyrita - Missing in action

Started by Mykulh, Sunday 27 October 2019, 00:00

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It has been quite awhile since Dutton Epoch and Lyrita have issued new releases. I begin to wonder if these two important labels are defunct or on the way to extinction? Their websites offer no clues that I can see. So, if anyone out there can offer up to date information about these labels (hopefully) future plans, please share it with the rest of us.



Only relevant note I can offer is that I've had my eye on this Nov. 1 release, "British Cello Works" from Lyrita.  (Had been considering starting a thread here, about the Ethel Smyth Cello Sonata)



Dutton releases classical albums every 3 to 4 months so let's wait an see.


Dutton releases only twice a year, usually April and November.

M. Yaskovsky

There're some interesting quad releases on sacd on Dutton's website. Including Schoenberg's Gurre with Boulez.


I am told Tony Dutton has lost interest in British music and funding has dried
up.  Lyrita still has big plans as far as i know.


Disappointing replies to my post. Apparently,  these two labels maintain a well-guarded wall of secrecy, unlike their counterparts at Hyperion and CPO.


From friends that record with Lyrita, I can say that they're still producing material for release - it might just be a quiet patch. I cannot comment on Dutton, though. I have prepared performance material that was to be included in their ongoing survey of Widor's works for orchestra, however there's been no movement in a few years, just silence.


Dutton definitely have one really big British project in the can. Not sure whether I should say more yet, but it suggests that reports of them losing interest in British music may be wrong. This year alone they have released The Mountebanks, The Light of the World, The Vision of Cleopatra, all major scores that no one had expected to hear.

So saying, the release I have heard of is possibly a bit late for the rules of this forum.

Alan Howe


Is this the "Vision of Cleopatra" reconstruction-of-a-mostly-lost-work (1907, rev. much more recently of necessity) by a long-lived composer who died in 1972 or a different work of the same name? :) I'd heard about the former recording, I think, though I haven't yet heard it. (Admittedly, the vocal score being published in 1909 probably should have suggested its being potentially ok, anyway, for this forum.)

Alan Howe


Dutton have recorded Sullivan's Haddon Hall, possibly due to be released this year or early next year,  and are scheduled to record The Martyr of Antioch next year with sponsorship from the Arthur Sullivan Society.  Look at conductor John Andrew's Facebook page.

Mark Thomas

A modern recording of The Martyr of Antioch will be especially welcome.

Mark Thomas