Anton Rubinstein's Opera 'Demon'

Started by Collrec, Saturday 11 April 2020, 00:42

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Mark Thomas

... and having established that, can we return to Demon?


Unfortunately, the "Demon"-recording as provided by ASO is in mono. Could this be a hint that a commercial release is planned?

Mark Thomas


There was also a recent broadcast of the Bordeaux Opéra production on France-Musique.
I'll put the link in the "recordings" forum.


While I thoroughly enjoyed this production when it was staged last August, I admit I'm a bit disappointed by the performance currently streaming at the ASO's website.  (The mono sound doesn't help matters.)  I doubt that it was the same performance I saw; that had a deal more fire and overall energy to it. Olga Tolkmit's Tamara manages to upstage Efim Zavalny's Demon both vocally and histrionically. This was also the case when I attended, but is even more noticeable with the closeups.

Still, I wouldn't hesitate recommending this performance to those who are open to operas beyond the standard repertoire. The Georgian dancers still give a thrill, the lyrics are more literate than most opera librettos (this is Lermontov, after all) and the final scene remains a stunner.


Thank you VERY much for this Mark, am very much looking forward to listening to it.

I don't suppose anyone has been able to make an mp3 out of this mp4?

Or, alternatively, does anyone know of any sites which convert LARGE mp4 files, such as this one, to mp3?  All the ones I have tried have a 100MB max limit.


does it have to be a site? depending on your platform there may be good free software eg iTunes??


Christopher, I have a wav copy which I can convert to mp3 if you'd like it done that way.


I would really appreciate that, thank you so much BerlinExpat! Maybe you could post the link in the Downloads section in the same thread as the MP4 recording from Mark so it's there for anyone else interested?


I don't suppose anyone has been able to make an mp3 out of this mp4?

Or, alternatively, does anyone know of any sites which convert LARGE mp4 files, such as this one, to mp3?  All the ones I have tried have a 100MB max limit.

I presently use ffmpeg a cross-platform utility which allows stripping the video from an audio/video container like the mp4 file The Demon. It is completely configurable and, best of all, allows retaining the audio without any transcoding that always leads to degradation. I routinely us it for youtube derived files which results in very small audio-only at exactly the same audio quality of the original. Since most of the audio in such files uses the aac codex, if you really want mp3 files they can be converted to that codex, but with an inevitable (though often imperceptible) loss in quality. The aac codex is used for the .m4a files (audio only version of mp4) and are playable on most computer platforms. There is a learning curve with ffmpeg but worth the effort.

Mark Thomas

BerlinExpat has now kindly added mp3s to the video post.