Jacob Rosenhain - Symphony No. 2 in F minor (1844)

Started by adt, Wednesday 29 April 2020, 20:14

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Alan Howe

I thoroughly enjoyed this movement - which seems to me rather more 'robust' than anything in Mendelssohn's symphonies. The grandeur which the music develops towards the close is exciting and actually rather stirring. Thanks so much for your work on this terrific composition.

Mark Thomas

This is an impressive symphonic finale; no vacuous tail-chasing here. The closing pages are especially effective as both Alan and Fétis point out - although they're quite dissimilar compositions, I was reminded of the effect which the finale of Brahms' First makes. It certainly whets the appetite for the rest of the symphony. Thanks for bringing it to life.


I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of approval here. Quite an impressive bit of work, both on Rosenhain and ADTminimal's side. The final movement made me regret that it was all over in eight minutes.

A personal note: although I'm an impatient man, I sort of like getting music in "instalments" like this, giving each movement its moment, and then hearing everything in sequence.

Alan Howe

My overall impression of Rosenhain 2 is of a work with real strength and dynamism - and also with surprising pauses and twists, all of which make for an exciting 'ride'.

I simply don't understand why works as fine as this aren't recorded (yet).

More on Rosenhain here:


Great stuff!

Really enjoyed this last movement especailly the brass hymn/choral section towards the end - quite moving.

Gareth Vaughan

I agree wholeheartedly. This is a most enjoyable symphony with real melodic inspiration and attractive orchestration. The finale works remarkably well.