Joan Manen Symphony No.2 & Violin Concerto No.3

Started by Martin Eastick, Friday 14 August 2020, 00:02

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Martin Eastick

Although these are later works, there seems to be nothing unacceptable judging from the soundbites here! I will be ordering this without doubt!

Alan Howe


Alan Howe

I'm listening to Symphony No.2 which, at 55+ mins, is Elgar-sized. Unfortunately, I don't think it's Elgar-quality. It's wonderfully written for a huge orchestra, but I somehow feel I'm not going to remember anything at the end of it. Nevertheless you have to admire the sheer orchestral richness and variety of timbres and textures that Manén generates. Gorgeous - but memorable? I'm not so sure.

Mark Thomas

I'm sure. It's all that Alan says, including the lack of memorable material, unfortunately. Such a shame, as everything else about it is really impressive. I haven't yet listened to the Violin Concerto, maybe that'll have an earworm or two...

Alan Howe

Nope - it's rather like the Symphony. Although having a soloist leads the ear rather more. I think...


I'm such a sexist pig - I saw the thread title and thought, "another forgotten woman composer". Nope! I just assumed "Joan" was a woman's name. I'm not woke enough, I guess. But I've already ordered it! Maybe not masterpieces, but what the heck. Got to support these companies and hope they keep grinding out more unplayed music. (Just get to the Grimm symphony!)

Mark Thomas

I do agree with Martin's point about supporting companies, but I'm afraid that the Violin Concerto is, as Alan wrote, as devoid of thematic interest as the Symphony. Manén, on this evidence so blessed with compositional skills, just didn't have the gift of tune it seems.

Alan Howe

Still, at least we've supported the recording company and the performers.


Yes, fully agree about the music. How strange that someone has the full palette available but can't paint the picture!


Was this composer related to the very-recently-deceased Christian Manen who was born in France in 1934?...