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I can't believe it's Raff!

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 04 November 2020, 22:26

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Mark Thomas

As we discussed last year, these four comparatively short works are amongst the best of Raff - innovative (almost predicting film music techniques), compact, generally strong thematic material and very closely tied to the plots of the plays, they are much more modern for their time than the later symphonies. A real late-flowering of his immense talent. Had he lived just a few years longer surely they'd have found a place in the repertoire? Amazingly, as far as I can see Othello has never been performed in concert.


Yes, I also heard Romeo and Juliet on R3 the other day and just couldn't place it at all! At first, I wasn't really listening, but then what an arresting piece – and reading comments here has prompted me to get the Järvi Sym No 2/Preludes disc.

Alan Howe

That was exactly my reaction - couldn't place it all, and made a mental note to look up what was being played when got home (I'd been listening in the car). Imagine my surprise! And embarrassment! I mean, I've had the CD since it came out!