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Started by Mark Thomas, Monday 20 July 2009, 12:19

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Mark Thomas

I know that I should welcome operas with English librettos because I should be better able to appreciate the skill of the composer in setting them to appropriate music. Either that, or I should be immersing myself in the world created by the piece - the whole Wagner "total art" thing. However, on the whole I prefer my librettos to be in French, German or Italian (not a Slavic language, I find them ugly when sung) and then I can major on the music and follow the words, if I need to, by reading the notes or looking at the surtitles.

Alan Howe

The opera turns out to be splendid entertainment - vigorous, full of tunes and well produced in true Chandos house style. I don't think the singing is outstanding overall, but it is all pretty well done, and the conducting is wonderfully alive. Mind you, Toby Spence is excellent as Ivanhoe. I hope one or two other forum members might soon have some reactions to this long overdue recording.

Mark Thomas

Good vigorous stuff, as melodic as one would expect from Sullivan and with sparkling orchestration. I thought the singing pretty good, if a trifle self-consciously "heroic" at times, but that's not really a criticism. The archaic English of the libretto was less of a stumbling block than I feared it would be. It's taken at a vibrant, cracking pace too - there's a lot of story to fit onto two CDs. It seems to me, having heard it only once through,  that this is yet more evidence that Sullivan was a pretty fine composer and much. much more than "& Sullivan".

Alan Howe

I hope your set had three CDs, Mark. If not, complain...

Mark Thomas

Oops... Yes, three incident-filled CDs, each resplendent with a Crusader cross.

Alan Howe

I think it's a great project, this recording. Hope it sells well...


Just saw the review in 'Gramophone' magazine. After an article near the front related to this event,praising 'Ivanhoe',and Sullivan's stature as a serious composer,I was a bit miffed to find that the actual review is very short. In fact the photo of the cd artwork on the same page appears more substantial than the article itself! Maybe they could have used some of the space they used for the cd box cover & provided readers with a more thorough & incisive review. I just wonder what David Hurwitz & Andrew Clements will have to say when they get their mits on it? (I haven't looked at Classicstoday yet).

Alan Howe

The Gramophone's gone way downmarket. Some of its reviews are just plain pathetic these days. Much better by far is International Record Review - and MusicWeb is worth checking out regularly too.


Yes,very sad. The hours I used to spend poring over it . Nowadays I keep my copies in the loo (well, not literally!) and, ahem, pore over it there!


This thread is due for revival, since I see that this recording of Ivanhoe has apparently been nominated for a Grammy.


I might have to break down and buy this, since I can't get the drinking song (the only sample on the Chandos website) out of my head.
