Georg Schumann Symphony in F minor, Op.42

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 12 July 2017, 23:49

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Alan Howe

Alan Howe

This quite superb symphony is now out in Germany (from jpc). As soon as it's available wherever you are, do get hold of it. Consequently our download will soon be deleted...

Alan Howe

I'll probably get slaughtered for this, but I thought the two orchestral pieces on this CD - the overtures Zu einem Drama and Lebensfreude were better than anything by Hausegger. Much less pretentious, much less diffuse and, above all, much more fun throughout.



... and rightfully so. But I'm quite prepared to agree to disagree  8)

Seriously, I find the comparison difficult and therefore the question of who's "better" difficult to answer. But while I like Schumann, I love (most of) Hausegger.

Alan Howe

I'd characterise Lebensfreude as Schumann's Cockaigne Overture - yes, it's that good!


Years later, listening to the symphony for the first time (cpo CD via NML). ... This is really, -very- very good, "full-blooded" symphony (with some suggestions that surprise me, though maybe they shouldn't, of Brahms-ness in the first movement that appeal to me too, but those are in passing). I have trouble finding too-close points of comparison otherwise.


Yes, it's quite good, isn't it? In fact, I would personally rate it slightly over the Preissymphonie, and even with its near-fifty minutes I don't get bored for a second.

Alan Howe

The Preis-Symphonie is an early work and less characteristic of the composer - but gorgeous. The F minor work is a mature piece, less beholden to Brahms, and also gorgeous. We are in cpo's debt in both cases.


Fair point. Regarding Schumann's early works, wasn't there a student symphony of some kind?


Earlier than the Preis-Symphonie, composed when he was 21? I thought it was his first symphonic work, but maybe not?...

Alan Howe

I don't know of any symphony by G. Schumann earlier than his Preis-Symphonie. GS was still studying under Reinecke in Leipzig at the time of its composition, so this is indeed a student symphony.


Apparently, he wrote one age 19 when he was at the Leipzig Conservatory, studying with Reinecke. Here is the source, which most likely got it from the liner notes for the cpo release of the Preis-Symphonie.

Alan Howe

Thanks, Ilja. Here's the crucial sentence:

Mit 19 komponiert er bereits eine Sinfonie (nicht auf Tonträger verfügbar), welche am Leipziger Konservatorium aufgeführt wurde.
[Transl: He had already composed a symphony at the age of 19 (recording not available) which was performed at the Leipzig Conservatoire.]

Of course, this tells us nothing about the existence of the score or, if it does exist, its whereabouts.


Georg Schumann's Nachlaß is in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. As soon as they open up again, I'll give it a look.