Nikolai Amani (1872-1904) String Trio Op.1

Started by Martin Eastick, Friday 23 July 2021, 13:54

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Martin Eastick

I have always enjoyed exploring the plethora of minor late 19th century Russian composers, mainly from a piano perspective perhaps, but I was really pleased to note this new release which features what I believe to be the first recording of Nikolai Amani's Op1 String Trio. The only downside to this release, however, is the rest of the programme!


It seems the recording, which I'd heard about, is out next month. I've seen the parts on IMSLP and am intrigued. What's your issue with the rest of the program? Overrecorded? Badly played?

Martin Eastick

I suppose one should be grateful for the Amani, but the rest of the CD easily falls outside the remit of this forum - and I'm rather tired of having to endure so much 20th century repertoire which I will never play - to have, in this case, just the first work on the CD! It is a common issue unfortunately, but others may be more receptive to the other works on this release!


ah, ok. As there is only one person on this forum whose personal "remit" extends well beyond (yr humble servant) no clarification was of course really required 🙂

Alan Howe

My own personal remit also extends beyond that of this forum - but on a strictly 'personal taste' basis, so I'm with Martin here in saying with 100% certainty that I'd never play anything but the first item on this CD. And then I have to take into account financial and storage considerations...


Quote from: eschiss1 on Friday 23 July 2021, 14:57
ah, ok. As there is only one person on this forum whose personal "remit" extends well beyond (yr humble servant) no clarification was of course really required 🙂

No, Eric, count me in!

Romantic music sets my heart aflutter, but I am insatiable about music of all eras and I listen to almost every broadcast of contemporary music from the German, Swiss and Austrian radio stations and the BBC. Definitely a full schedule. (Otherwise I hadn't noticed a rare case of a contemporary composer being inspired by Raff!)

These are of course quite conservative 20th century composers but I very much welcome another piece by Hans Schaeuble, one of my favourite Swiss composers.

Sorry for the lengthy digression but I HAD to... ;)


I wonder why the players chose to name themselves after such a minor figure? From a player's perspective his Opus 1 doesn't look very interesting but the proof of the pudding...


from his Russian wikipedia page:  "The musical heritage of Nikolai Amani is small. The orchestral overture, in 1904, was performed in Yalta on the day of the author's funeral. Several romances and vocal and piano pieces to words by Alexei Apukhtin , Ivan Nikitin , Alexei Tolstoy , Afanasy Fet and others. There are 15 opus in total, including an excerpt from "John of Damascus" by Count Alexei Tolstoy, a ballad for bass - "Borodino" on verses by M. Lermontov with a dedication to Fyodor Chaliapin . "Album for Youth" consisting of 12 pieces."