Re: Hyperion RVC Vol.22 - Lassen, P. Scharwenka & Langgaard

Started by Sharkkb8, Friday 08 February 2019, 00:45

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Having recently acquired this CD, I find the Scharwenka a very solid and well composed concerto. I agree the 1st movement isn't as inspired as the heavenly 2nd and the marvelous 3rd; I still find myself returning to the 1st movement quite often. Very enjoyable. The Lassen, on the first listen didn't make much impression and I kind of agreed with Jeremy Nicholas's summation of "wishy-washy themes", but I find that this is a piece that benefits from repeated listening. In fact each time I hear this I find myself more in awe of the sheer beauty and strange and fascinating melodic turns. This is a discovery. As for the Langgaard, I'm charmed! A truly splendid release by Hyperion. Now only if they'd hurry up and do more romantic (and forgotten violin concertos)... how about the Litolff?!!


I feel he same way about the Lassen. It's become a 'guilty pleasure' - quirky, not great music, but strangely engaging!

Mark Thomas

There's absolutely no guilt associated with the pleasure I take in listening to Lassen's concerto. It's a most individual work which rewards repeated hearing and I would love to hear more by this composer, particularly either of the two symphonies.

Alan Howe

Agreed. It's a highly melodic work which ought to be played far more often than is currently the case.