Richard Stöhr, Orchestral Music vol.1 from Toccata

Started by Sharkkb8, Tuesday 12 April 2022, 17:36

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This all sounds utterly delightful to me. A definite must-buy.

Mark Thomas

Stöhr - one of those all too few unsungs none of whose works we've heard so far disappoints. Toccata really have struck a rich seam here.

John Boyer


The Toccata pipeline mentions that Symphony No. 1 will be in the series' second release. I can hardly wait.


Agreed. And hoping for many volumes of this composer's works (brief vocal works and large symphonic and choral ones, etc.) in future, there seems to be some really promising as yet unrecorded music to go here.

Alan Howe

This is incredibly inventive music. The slower sections of the Concert im alten Stil in particular are wonderfully lyrical and touching.