A treasure from the Landesmuseen - Netzer's Overture in D

Started by terry martyn, Tuesday 10 May 2022, 10:06

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terry martyn

Mention has been made of Rietz´s momentous Concert Overture, and, more recently by Alan,of Horneman´s multi-tiered and moving Aladdin Overture,so I was hoping for such a hidden gem from my recent purchase of vol 96 from the Landesmuseen ,"Ouverturen".
There are eight entirely unfamiliar overtures on this still-available CD, the first four of which date from the first half of the nineteenth century and my personal preference to the later four.
For those of you who,like me, enjoyed the early morning overtures played on the Third Programme on the drive to school, there is a real find amongst these first four - Josef Netzer´s Overture in D,dating from the late 1830s. This is a frothy frolic of the kind Beecham chose for his "lollypops" and deserves repeated playing on Classic FM.
Listen to this piece of escapism,and enjoy!

Alan Howe