Jacob (Jacques) Rosenhain 1813 -1894

Started by giles.enders, Saturday 29 October 2022, 10:45

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Jacob (Jacques) Rosenhain Born 2.12.1813 Mannheim  Died 21.3.1894  Baden Baden

Jacob was a child prodigy, making his first public appearance as a pianist at the age of eight. He studied with Jacob Schmitt, Johann Kalliwoda and Schnyder von Wartensee. In 1837 he stayed in London for a short period, then moving to Paris, though travelling extensively in Europe as a performer for the next thirty years. In 1870 he settled in Baden Baden where he remained until his death.

Symphony No.1 in G minor Op.42   1846
Symphony No.2 in F minor Op.43  pub. by Emil Sommermeyer
Symphony No.3 'Im Frühling'  Op.61
Piano Concerto in D minor  Op.73 pub. by Breitkopf & Hartel
Piano Concertino in A Op.30  pub. by Lemoine

Piano quartet Op.1
Piano trio in E minor Op.2  pub.by Castallat
Piano trio in D minor Op.32  pub. by Castallat  1843
Piano trio in F minor  Op.50  pub.by Schott  1856
String quartet in G major  Op.55  pub.by  Breitkopf & Hartel  1864
String quartet in C major  Op.57  pub.by  Breitkopf & Hartel 
String quartet in D minor Op.65  pub.by Breitkopf & Hartel
Am Abend, Theme & eight variations for string quartet Op.99  pub.by Breitkopf & Hartel  1888
Cello sonata in E Op.38  pub.by Peters
Cello sonata in G Op.53  pub.by Peters
Cello sonata in G minor Op.98  pub.by Breitkopf & Hartel
Tableaux de Genre for cello and piano: Matinee d'Ete, Fete Villageoise, Dans la nuit.   Op.78  pub.by Frederich Schreiber


Sonata in C Op.12
Grand sonata a Mendelssohn in D minor Op.38
Sonata in F minor Op.44  pub. by Heugel  1850
Sonata symphonique  in F minor  Op.70
Sonata in D minor Op.74
Sonata in A minor
Four Romances  Op.14  pub. by Breitkopf & Hartel 1836
Morceaux de Salon in D major Op.15 pub. by Lemoine
Character studies: Spanisches Lied, Die Ruckerrinung, Die Unruhe, Alpen-Gesange  Op.25  pub. by Schott
Character studies: Polonisches Lied, Zum Abschied, Jn der Fremde, Jnnerer Kampf. Op.31 pub. by Schott
Character studies: Orientalische Lieder, Die Vergangenhut, Die Undine, Klage des Geliebten Op.37  pub. by Schott
Caprice brilliant  Op.23  pub. by Lemoine  1839
Valse brilliant  Op.36  pub. by Frederich Hofmeister  1842
Morceaux de Concours: Andante & rondo, Allegro appassionato, Nocturne.  pub. by Peters  1847
Ballade, Chanson salve, Op.67  pub. by N Simrock  1865
Barcarolle, Abendglochen, Wanderlied, Courente  Op.68  pub. by Heugel et cie,
Feuilles Volantes: Crepuscule, Dans les Champs, Contemplation, Berceuse.  Op.82  pub. by G Brandus et S Dufour
Dans Villageoises  Op.85  pub. by C A Spina 1872
Valse brillante  Op.89  pub, by Kistner
Six Historiettes Op.97  pub. by Breitkopf & Hartel 1887
Souvenir de Heiligenberg  in D
Twelve Etudes Characteristiques
Twenty-four Melodiques Characteristiques
Fantasia Appassionata, Grand duo (4 hands) in G minor  Op.40  pub. by Frederich Hofmeister  1844


Six lieder: 1. Schlaflied, 2. Wo ich bin, mich rings umdunkelt, 3. Morgen stch'ich auf, 4. Lieb,Liebuen, 5. O Seliges Wandern, 6. Und Willst die dich des Lebens freu'n, Op.21 pub. by Breitkopf & Hartel   1840




Der Besuch im Irrenhause  1834
Liswenna  1836
Le Demon de la nuit, reworking of above with new libretto  1851
Volage et Jaloux  1863

Jacob's brother Eduard 16.11.1818 - 6.9.1861 was a minor composer and teacher.


The Op.73 piano concerto is included in the Hyperion RPC series, Vol.51.

Alan Howe


The string quartets were published by Richault in 1864 (in parts, not score?...), and afaik only rather later by other publishers, not simultaneously (and their first publication in score may have been only at these later dates) - but I may be mistaken on one or more of these counts.

(btw "Characteristiques" is not French...- one "h" too many, and the adjective wouldn't be in uppercase, so Etudes caractéristiques. Someone goofed?)


There is also an undated manuscript of Ouverture zu der Oper "das Orakel" digitized by BNF, which is attributed to Jacob Rosenhain. There's no complete opera by this name in his catalogue, so perhaps "das Orakel" was an unfinished project by Rosenhain (or someone else, possibly miscatalogued by BNF)...?

Overture to "Orakel" digitization at BNF

By the way, Rosenhain's 3rd Symphony is at BNF as well, but it hasn't been digitized yet...