Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: semloh on Monday 06 December 2021, 00:10

Title: Goldmark - Ein Wintermärchen
Post by: semloh on Monday 06 December 2021, 00:10
Thank you for Goldmark's charming Ein Wintermärchen, Colin. That Overture is so lush and inviting!

Just checking on YT, I see there's a full performance featuring the HungarianRSO at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjpHSSNdJck (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjpHSSNdJck); and, of course, there's the version you posted earlier at https://www.unsungcomposers.com/forum/index.php/topic,7957.msg83357.html#msg83357

I see, too, that it was performed only a couple of weeks ago, sans staging, by Wexford Festival Opera (https://bachtrack.com/review-goldmark-ein-wintermarchen-fritz-gordeladze-thorpe-wexford-festival-october-2021 (https://bachtrack.com/review-goldmark-ein-wintermarchen-fritz-gordeladze-thorpe-wexford-festival-october-2021)).

A full score/libretto is available at: https://archive.org/details/einwintermrche00gold/page/6/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/einwintermrche00gold/page/6/mode/2up)