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Messages - Justin

Yes sorry I meant comic as in a light or lyric opera, not comedic.
This may be an unpopular opinion but I find much of the work to be dull. It rarely goes beyond being merely pleasant and the only part that stood out to me was the conclusion of Act I. It felt like the work was rushed at the end with an abrupt finish as well.

I felt that Benedetto Marcello worked much better as a comic work.
Is this the first opera recording of d'Erlanger? I know there is an excerpt from this work Tess.
Why do you say physical media doesn't work for you, Ilja?
Ok I will do that, Terry! Thanks.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Bendix Symphonies 1 & 3
Thursday 01 August 2024, 20:26
Yes I was referring to his symphonies, Eric. Tunge, Mørke Natteskyer is a great song, so I agree with you on the vocal works.

Anyway back to Bendix: The third movement Marcia solenne. Andante sostenuto from the first symphony will be released tomorrow.

I assume this is a teaser by Dacapo to create interest.

Alan do you know what the recording dates are for this according to your CD? Perhaps we will get the other two symphonies in a similar timeframe.
The Idyll is terrific! I'm glad we have it on YouTube but I would prefer the CD if it has improved sound quality.

The album doesn't seem to be available digitally anywhere.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Bendix Symphonies 1 & 3
Wednesday 31 July 2024, 22:24
Bendix and Hermann have more in the way of discernable melodies than Nielsen, particularly Bendix's 3rd symphpony.
What do you think of the actual music, Alan?
Quote from: jasthill on Tuesday 18 June 2024, 03:12It would seem that this recording is maybe one that was "in the can" as they say
That was the case with the Martucci Sinfonia Festiva & Piano Concerto release, I believe.
The Naxos performances are slower. I think the Moldavian Symphony Orchestra recording is taken at a good pace.
Quote from: Alan Howe on Tuesday 21 May 2024, 16:15his ardent singing in Act 2 scene 2.
I believe you meant Act 3 scene 2, Alan?

Just finished listening to the work and I think the recording is spectacular. Not much to add to Alan's review regarding the cast, but just want to praise Raff's orchestral passages, particularly in Act 5 with the prelude and cello solo in the "Symbolic Dance of the Kedeshot."

It's undeniably him with the characteristic woodwinds and this sentiment of the work being sprightly without losing textural depth. Describing it is difficult, but there is a heavy-handedness in Lohengrin that isn't present here, and I think the work benefits from that as it doesn't get dragged down in its leitmotifs.

Special shoutout to Fred for his excellent balancing work. You have done a great job with the forwardness of the harp, and I feel many opera recordings have it being drowned out; the harp helps fit that atmosphere of pastoral life.

How many completed operas are there left to be recorded? Also, I am curious as to what people think of the libretto and Raff's ability to create drama in the work.
Coming out June 7th on Resonus. Have these all been recorded before?

Looking forward to hearing the symphony. A great recording of it exists on CPO.