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Topics - Hilleries

This is an interesting find, and a quick search on this board resulted in nothing about this composer. Has anyone heard anything from him?
Recordings & Broadcasts / Meinardus: Luther in Worms
Thursday 26 September 2013, 16:21
This may not be the correct place in the forum for this, so maybe the moderators could move this thread if they feel like it.

I just wanted to share something I found intriguing, Hermann Max (of Ries' oratorios recordings) is performing this oratorio "Luther in Worms" (1874) by Ludwig Meinardus (never heard of the guy before) in Bonn (and also in Knetchsenden if I saw this correctly; this is where the other oratorios that became CPO cds were also performed).
So far so good, new performances of these kind of oratorios is just what I'd like to see, alas I'm not in Germany. What got me excited was to see in my facebook feed photos from Concerto Köln of recording sessions of this piece. They didn't give any more details, other than "CD-Produktion mit Hermann Max und der Rheinischen Kantorei". I think we should we expect a CPO recording soon (or maybe one of the other small german labels? I hope they don't take their sweet time as CPO does).
Still no release date as of yet, but I just wanted to point out that they are already annoucing its coming. When you go to CPO's home page, there's a text about the label, it ends with:
"Im Beitrag, der im Kulturmagazin Kultur.21 erschienen ist, sind auch die Aufnahmen zur 1000. Produktion von cpo zu sehen, der Oper »Die Räuberbraut« von Ferdinand Ries."

In other words, CPO's 1000th production is Die Räuberbraut. Again, it's about time. It's also about time Ries catches on to programmes all around, I don't know what's taking so long on that matter. I mean, look at the man's piano concertos! Wonderful alternatives to the old warhorses!