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Messages - Gareth Vaughan

I can't access it either. And I certainly haven't read any articles on the site before.
Composers & Music / Re: Ferdinand Hiller
Sunday 15 September 2024, 20:54
Incidentally, Tuomas, do you have any more news on the possible recording of Hiller's VC?
Composers & Music / Re: Ferdinand Hiller
Sunday 15 September 2024, 15:59
Hear, hear! Thank you very much, Tuomas.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Moszkowski: Symphony in D minor
Saturday 14 September 2024, 22:53
Yes, thanks for that reassurance. Very much appreciated, Martin.
Ah. I thought it was too good to be true!
Has anyone noticed that the promised CD of Moszkowski's Symphony has disappeared from the Toccata Pipeline page, along with other adverised recordings, like the piano concertos of Curiel. I hope this does not mean they have been cancelled.
Composers & Music / Re: Ferdinand Hiller
Thursday 12 September 2024, 19:24
That Gustave Dore, he was such a wicked pervert. Quick, let's destroy all his illustrations - wouldn't want youtubers to be corrupted. Honestly! Words fail me.
Composers & Music / Re: Conrad Ansorge (1862-1930)
Monday 09 September 2024, 22:59
Have you a link to the file, please?
Composers & Music / Re: Conrad Ansorge (1862-1930)
Monday 09 September 2024, 18:47
That would be really nice of you. Thank you.
I am hoping his manuscripts survive somewhere - maybe in the Hungarian National Library. Will have to enquire.
Very well done. We are all in your debt. I will certainly be in touch.
Thanks very much for that link. I am most grateful.
It does indeed sound hopeful, but the article says their aspiration is to have a complete set of orchestral parts by 2023. Do we know if that goal was achieved? If so, the next stage would surely be to try to mount a performance (and, one hopes, a recording) of this work, a massive undertaking I admit. Well, it happened for Brian's Gothic Symphony - perhaps Nicode will be lucky too. I really hope so.