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Messages - Alan Howe

The performance of Draeseke 3 on cpo is better played than the one on MDG - so it's Weigle on cpo for me. That said, the performances themselves are pretty similar.
Good question - I have the score (a photocopy of the manuscript of the piano/violin version from the SLUB Library in Dresden) and it looks intriguing.

The VC by Draeseke is unfortunately only extant in this form: the orchestral score seems to have been lost before or during World War 2 and has not yet been rediscovered.

Nevertheless, being a member of the Draeseke Society, I should have some news for you about the premiere in a week or two...
How kind, Jim. Now that would be a challenge - and a pleasure!
Hahn's VC - hmmm. Probably interesting. But my choices would be Gernsheim (x2), R. Becker (x2) and Brüll first. Especially Gernsheim. Everything I have heard by him suggests an unsung great, or at least near-great. And he wrote a Piano Concerto...
This is a very insightful review, Peter. I think you have captured the essence of the Draeseke PS - and I am sure that you are right about Liszt having neglected Brahms' sonatas, but then Liszt and Brahms were ideological opponents.
Thanks for those comments, Mark. Very enlightening - and spot-on as to the limitations of the offerings available. For myself, I would thoroughly recommend the expansive Bargiel Piano Sonata and thought the Heller Sonata No.2 also worth pursuing.
Wow, Strauss' early Symphony with the BPO...! That must have been something!
Composers & Music / Re: Hiller Reviewed at Last!
Friday 22 May 2009, 16:13
It's Heller's Piano Sonata No.2 in B minor on the RD disc - I ought to listen to it again, although I must say that the quality of the recording is a major barrier (boxy, living-room acoustic and a hiss level which goes up and down according to how loud the music is - peculiar, but the other CD I have from this source is the same.)
Composers & Music / Re: Hiller Reviewed at Last!
Friday 22 May 2009, 11:21
Don't worry, Peter, The Bortkiewicz PCs are much more like Rachmaninov than Medtner!

Yes, why not start another thread on Heller? It'll make me listen again to his very interesting Piano Sonata on Romantic Discoveries recordings.
The Glazunov VC debate has now been made into a separate thread...
Composers & Music / Glazunov Violin Concerto conundrum
Wednesday 20 May 2009, 22:43
OK: Grove 4 has two entries, as follows:

- Vol.2: "Op.73 Violin Concerto in A minor" (wrong opus number)
- Supp. Vol: "Op.82 Violin Concerto in A" (wrong key)

I suggest that these two entries actually refer to the same work. Glazunov's Op.73 is in fact his Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900). The (single) entry should read:

"Op.82 Violin Concerto in A minor"

It is surely a case of two wrong entries - or maybe the VC originally had a different opus number which was later changed. At all events, there is absolutely no mention anywhere of another VC - see this full list of his works:
I understood perfectly what was meant! However, Grove online makes no mention of another VC by Glazunov, so we are no nearer to the source of information regarding this supposedly lost concerto. Do you by any chance mean Goldmark's 2nd VC? Now that is mentioned in Grove online, but I have never managed to find out anything about it...
...which just shows how different people's tastes can be. For me the Reger VC is one of the greats - but it is an immensely serious work on a grand scale. The PC I like rather less, but I would count its slow movement as one of the most profound in the whole repertoire. Chacun à son goût!
Maybe Grove online is better? There is no mention there of any 'phantom' VC by Glazunov - and his Op.77 is, of course, his 7th Symphony. Curious...
Composers & Music / Re: Franz Lachner
Wednesday 20 May 2009, 07:51
Me too, John! We should try to meet up...