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Messages - Alan Howe

Composers & Music / Re: Johan Halvorsen
Wednesday 06 May 2009, 07:42
Well, a bit like Grieg, I suppose. But not as interesting!
Composers & Music / Re: Johan Halvorsen
Wednesday 06 May 2009, 00:00
The symphonies (on 2 Simax CDs) are colourful, melodic and very enjoyable - just not particularly distinctive. Great fun, though - and well worth trying if you're into late-Romantic stuff with something of nationalistic feel.
Mine would be the sonatas by Reubke and Draeseke: both very avant-garde for their day. Alfred Brendel apparently has a high opinion of the Draeseke sonata - a shame he never played it in public. He left that to his pupil Claudius Tanski!
One thing's clear in the comparison between D'Avalos and La Vecchia: the former definitely has the better orchestra.
They compare very well, but, if you have the D'Avalos set, don't bother with the Naxos series. Unless you're just curious to hear more performances of this repertoire (like me)....
I'd add:
Raff Piano Quintet (Divox)
Raff Piano Quartets
Gernsheim Piano Trios (Antes)
Gernsheim Piano Quintets (recording forthcoming)
Draeseke Piano and Horn Quintet (MDG)
Fuchs Piano Quartets (Thorofon)
Taneyev Piano Quintet (DG)
Wilhelm Berger Piano Quintet (MDG)
Bargiel Piano Trios (MDG)
Noskowski Piano Quartet (Olympia)

Stunningly beautiful and memorable: Reinecke PC3.
Composers & Music / Re: Ries
Monday 04 May 2009, 22:25
Well done indeed, Gareth! Can't wait!
Composers & Music / Re: Johann Peter Pixis
Sunday 03 May 2009, 22:31
I believe that Hyperion may be going to bring out Pixis' PC, coupled with the later PC by Jacob Rosenhain.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Andre Mathieu
Sunday 03 May 2009, 22:25
Very interesting indeed. Have you tried the PC by Vittorio Giannini, just out on Naxos? Now that's what I call the ultimate in Romanticism from a composer born 'out of time', as it were...
Thanks, Mark. I'd overlooked exactly which Macfarren it was on the new CD!
The problem with the set of Bendix symphonies on Danacord is the very poor playing of the orchestra from Omsk (where?) - thin, often out-of-tune strings, poor ensemble, etc. - as well as bathroom-acoustics recording. You can get a fair idea of some very interesting music from the set, but it badly needs replacing with a set done by a proper orchestra. The Omsk band is pretty amateurish, unfortunately. Only recommended with extreme caution for some interesting music...
Composers & Music / Wilhelm Berger String Quintet
Friday 01 May 2009, 17:45
Edition Silvertrust have published Berger's String Quintet in E minor, Op.75 - and have some enticing samples on their website...

Jim L is right: in July Hyperion are planning to release Julius Benedict's two piano concertos, coupled with the Concertstück by Macfarren. Details and excerpts here:
My order is apparently on its way. I'll post when I receive them.

Martucci's PC1 is overshadowed by the superb PC2. This is a shame as it is a marvellous piece in its own right - much less dark in tone, but with memorable themes.