Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Mark Thomas on Friday 01 October 2021, 08:06

Title: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 01 October 2021, 08:06
It's beginning to look like Raff's operatic magnum opus, the music drama Samson, may be recorded in 2023. It would be a very big project if the piece is recorded in full: it lasts around two and a half hours and needs a large cast of top flight soloists (and therein lies a major worry). Still, great news if it comes off and I'll keep my ear to the ground.... Details of the opera itself here (https://www.raff.org/catalogue/catalogue_vocal.html#woo.20), by the way.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 01 October 2021, 08:32
Which are the major roles - and for which types of voices?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 01 October 2021, 08:59
Main roles: Samson (tenor); Abimelech of Gaza (baritone); Delilah, Abimelech's daughter (soprano); The High Priest of Dagon (bass); Micha, an Israelite deserter (tenor). Other roles:  The High Priestess of Astarte (mezzo-soprano); The Seran of Ascalon (bass); A Gaoler (tenor) A Woman of the People (soprano). Plus a number of tenor and bass soloists or solo groups from the chorus: The Serans (rulers) of Asdod, Ekron & Gath; Three Syrian Seamen; An Israelite Spokesman, Two Levites & Two Israelite Citizens.

The original Samson was to have been Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld, the tenor who created Tristan, which gives us an idea of the range and power of the part, and he was very enthusiastic about its challenges. Samson was to have been his next major role but he died shortly after the premiere of Tristan & Isolde and the planned staging of Samson was abandoned.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 01 October 2021, 09:41
For Samson, I'd contact US tenor Andrew Richards: https://www.facebook.com/OperaRocksAndrewRichards/
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 01 October 2021, 09:50
I'm not involved in the recording in any way, but I'll pass that on to those moving and shaking this project. Thanks.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 01 October 2021, 09:53
Or Joshua Kohl, again an American - who sings Eiolf in the forthcoming Naxos/Hulda set:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 01 October 2021, 09:58
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Saturday 02 October 2021, 06:06
Dear Friends,

I'm in charge of this project. The recording session will take place in Basel with the Sinfonieorchester Basel under the baton of Ivor Bolton.
Sessions 'll be in August 2023 and I have two weeks to get everything in the box, which is something exceptional today!
Again for the Schweizer Fonogramm label.

Don't ask for the cast, I'll say nothing until the team is completed... :)

Cheers from Bern,

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Saturday 02 October 2021, 06:29
I am glad to hear that the recording will be done on a label with a high production quality!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Saturday 02 October 2021, 08:09
Thank you Frederic, this is a tremendously exciting project and should prove to be a real revelation!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 02 October 2021, 10:42
Yes, absolutely wonderful news! Great for us fans of Raff in general - and great for those (like me!) who want to find out where this opera fits in the history of the genre.

It's good to see a full-sized orchestra being used for this project. The instruments specified are: piccolo; 2 flutes; 2 oboes; 2 clarinets; 2 bassoons; 4 horns; 3 trumpets; alto trombone; tenor trombone; bass trombone; tuba; timpani; triangle; cymbals; bass drum; snare drum; strings.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Saturday 02 October 2021, 11:54
Plus English horn, bass clarinet and Harp.
There is also a stage music with trumpets, horns and trombones.

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 02 October 2021, 12:49
English horn = cor anglais (that's what we call it in the UK!!)

In other words: wow!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Saturday 02 October 2021, 13:10
Sorry for the mistake, c'est donc comme en français. Merci Alan!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Saturday 02 October 2021, 13:42
The Notes which Frederic has made available are from Edition Nordstern's modern edition of the score, and include the introductory comments from my own Book: The Music of Joachim Raff - an illustrated Catalogue. Samson is the nearest Raff got to Wagnerian music drama, and the work was at least begun when he was in thrall to Wagner, whom he'd encountered when working with and for Liszt in Weimar. By the time Samson was finished, Raff had become quite antipathetic to much of Wagner's musical philosophy, and so it'll be fascinating to hear how the opera turned out. It should certainly be spectacular on stage, something we're promised next year in a production in Weimar, although whether it'll be subjected to the awful German Regietheater aesthetic remains to be seen. 
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 02 October 2021, 16:59
With Samson's composition dates being 1853-7 (with various revisions following until 1865), the only three of Wagner's mature operas that had been performed by then were The Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser (Dresden version) and Lohengrin, so these would have been the major Wagner works that Raff had heard (Tristan und Isolde was performed in 1865).

I wonder whether we'll hear any influences from, say, Weber, Mendelssohn or Liszt?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: eschiss1 on Monday 04 October 2021, 23:02
Remember, when Raff was part of Liszt's circle, he may have been made aware of Wagner's unperformed works in sketch that Wagner was discussing with Liszt and his family, if the dates work at all.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 04 October 2021, 23:30
True. I wonder what it was about Wagner's aesthetic that Raff rejected...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 05 October 2021, 08:39
His letters are surprisingly vague on that, or at least the letters which I've seen of his so far are, but a couple of things are clear: firstly that Raff's disenchantment with Wagner came at the same time as he began distancing himself from Liszt and his circle. He wrote a short book Die Wagnerfrage which analysed Lohengrin but which they took as criticism of their idol, which it only was in the sense that it wasn't a complete and uncritical paean of praise, and this led Raff to disapprove of the "cult of Wagner" and its worship of a man who was, after all, in many non-musical respects a deeply flawed and sometimes quite reprehensible human being. Secondly there's no doubt that he didn't agree with Wagner's stance that absolute music was a dead end and the way forward was a melding of all the arts into the sort of music drama he attempted in the Ring. Although it's not relevant to the genesis of Samson, there's an interesting passage in a book by the American composer William Mason, who knew Raff in Weimar in the 1850s, when he was an ardent Wagner enthusiast, and met him again towards the end of Raff's life. Talking of that later meeting he wrote: "A quarter of a century had elapsed since I had seen Raff, and naturally one of my first questions was, 'Raff, how is the Wagner cause?' 'Oh,' said he, 'the public have gone 'way over to the other extreme. You know how hard it was to force Wagner upon them twenty-five years ago, and now they go just as much too far the other way and are unreasonable in their excessive homage'". Raff made a virtue of his own eclecticism and disliked "isms" of any other sort.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 05 October 2021, 08:49
QuoteRaff made a virtue of his own eclecticism and disliked "isms" of any other sort

Yes, that must be it. Wagner's was a one-track answer to the problem that he saw post-Beethoven; but Raff's was multi-track. No wonder he fell through the cracks of musical history when the camps (New German vs. Classical) were so polarised. He didn't belong to either. The same was true of Draeseke.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 05 October 2021, 09:14
Raff's case is complicated by being a protégé of, successively, Mendelssohn and Liszt. So the conservatives regarded him as a Lisztian revolutionary and the Liszt/Wagner school classed him as a traitor because he had distanced himself from them once he left Weimar in 1856. He compounded the problem by avoiding association with either camp and championing the one thing they both despised - eclecticism. He never made any attempt to found his own tradition, indeed he scorned the very idea when he was director of the very successful Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt, and so it's no wonder that as soon as he was dead his music died with him.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Sunday 03 April 2022, 15:37
Dear friends,

The cast is completed.
I still wait some few weeks more: we have the "yes" from the singers, but I know that when it's not yet signed by the agencies, it can change...
If they are all confirmed, it is a wonderful cast!

I can already write that we'll have the Balthasar Neumann Chor with 60 people: the choir is very much in demand in this production.

More to come.

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 03 April 2022, 17:12
Thanks for the update, Fred. It all sounds very exciting.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 03 April 2022, 19:38
Extremely exciting!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Sunday 03 April 2022, 20:04
Hear, hear!
I should have added that the Balthasar Neumann Chor are superb in everything I have heard them sing.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Monday 29 August 2022, 20:45
Dear friends,

Due to organizational problems, the production has cancelled the project with Mr. Bolton and the Basel orchestra.
We shall record this production with the Berner symphonic orchestra under the baton of Mario Venzago (with whom I have already collaborated).
An incredible piece of luck is that the Bern orchestra is available for a two-week period almost at the same time as the one scheduled with Basel, which allows me to almost keep the original cast.

This opera was marked by fate during Raff's lifetime and he never had the opportunity to perform it... I hope that we will finally break this curse with this recording!

The Weimar theater will produce the opera for the first time in september 22, in a shorter version.
We shall record the all score and give a concert just after in Bern, already planned on 2023 September the 8th.

I shall reveal the cast soon.

Cheers from Bern,

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Monday 29 August 2022, 21:02
Thanks for the update, Fred. That sounds like a very lucky break! Let's hope that that Samson's premiere in Weimar in two weeks time will break the "curse".
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 29 August 2022, 22:23
Will you still be able to use the Balthasar Neumann Chor, Fred?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 29 August 2022, 22:35
Thanks for the update, Fred. We trust that all will now go well as you record this important work.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Thursday 03 November 2022, 11:02
Dear friends,

Here is an update on this production.

The recording is scheduled from the 29 of August to the 6 of September 2023.
The recording label is Schweizer Fonogramm.
The Berne Symphony Orchestra and Choir will be conducted by Philippe Bach.

Delilah : Olena Tokar
Oberpriesterin : Christel Loetzsch
Samson : Pavol Breslik
Micha : Michael Weinius
Abimelech : Thomas Bauer
Oberpriester : Christian Immler

I do hope everything 'll be alright until then, it's a lot of money and it already took a lot of time and energy in preproduction to find the casting I wanted and move from one orchestra and theater to another one...
I must thank Graziella at Schweizer Fonogramm and the Bern theater team for all the work they have already done to make this possible.

I keep my fingers crossed !

Salutations de Bern,

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 03 November 2022, 11:38
This is absolutely fabulous news - especially about the casting of Pavel Breslik as Samson. He's a truly wonderful singer. Here he is in Rusalka:

And here's Olena Tokar who will be singing Delilah:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: John Boyer on Thursday 03 November 2022, 11:53
I would happily pre-order a set if it helps finance the recording costs. Some gaming companies do this. At GMT games, for example, they have a program called "P500". A new game is proposed and if a certain number of gamers subscribe to its production (500 in this case) they go ahead with the project.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 03 November 2022, 12:12
So would I - and I'd a donation too...

Fred: how about setting up a crowdfunding appeal?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 03 November 2022, 12:41
I'm all in favour of that too, and I'd certainly contribute. The new cast looks spectacular.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Friday 04 November 2022, 05:39
Thank you for your encouraging feedback.

I have already recorded a symphonic disc with Philippe Bach and we get along very well. In fact we became friends. He was conductor for years at the Meiningen Opera and has a great knowledge of the repertoire. Now he is back in Switzerland.
I have already recorded the Bern orchestra under Mario Venzago.
They enjoy working with Philippe, so on this side of the production I have a solid foundation.

I will be doing a CD with Olena in May 23, so we will get to know each other before the Samson recording.
There is also a project with Pavol but in '24.
I'm looking forward to Thomas Bauer: He is an exceptional singer of German Lied but also sings Wagner. I already know that this meeting will be a special moment for me. There is a 'Winterreise' on youtube, another Covid recording...
I invite you to listen to "Auf dem Flusse" at 25'10". For me exceptional, no show, just music. I am sure he will tell us a great story in Samson.

I will talk with Graziella about this idea of subscription or crowdfunding but I can imagine that she has already considered this option.

I am used to work on symphonic productions and to manage singers. From an artistic point of view I have no stress, but it is extremely heavy to manage an opera in pre-production. Especially this production which has changed the theatre, the orchestra and the conductor along the way... and the dates!
With a difference of one week I lost 2 singers.
I am nevertheless very happy with this new cast and am convinced that everything is in place to make a great production.

Very long post from me, but now back to work: I have to finalize the last CD of the Bienne orchestra dedicated to Hans Huber before the Suisse Romande and Jonathan Nott for Dieter Ammann! Lots of Swiss composers in my mind at the moment!

Salutations à tous, Fred.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: eschiss1 on Friday 04 November 2022, 06:34
I hope the Huber CD contains the symphony in A premiered in 1889 (or if not, eventually some will maybe...)
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 04 November 2022, 12:32
Do consider the crowdfunding or subscription idea, Fred. Even if only a few contributed, it would surely help to finance this great Samson project.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Wednesday 08 March 2023, 06:35
Dear friends,

I must say that managing an opera production is much more complicated than managing a symphony production! It's a bit like a bad TV series, when everything seems to be ok there are problems again.
I will finally be happy behind my microphones when we shall all be on stage with the red light!

Pavol Breslik is not in the cast anymore, his management is really too complicated.
I'm happy to announce Magnus Vigilius as Samson.
Philippe Bach, our conductor, has already worked with him and he'll be a wonderful tenor for this recording.

I'll have the pleasure to produce a recording with Olena before this Samson, so we'll have worked together already.

Yesterday we had a meeting at the theater with the technical team, Philippe, Graziella and the orchestra management. I must say that everything is done to have a real "à l'ancienne" production. There will be an acoustic shell installed on the stage to optimise the sound quality: it's an opera theater, not a concert hall.

You can see how it looks here:

To be continued...  ;)

Salutations de Bern,

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 08 March 2023, 07:38
Thanks for the update, Fred.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Tuesday 28 March 2023, 15:39
The crowdfunding effort is now underway for this recording, which is scheduled to take place in September this year:

https://wemakeit.com/projects/opera-samson-by-joachim-raff (https://wemakeit.com/projects/opera-samson-by-joachim-raff)

You can choose different donation amounts which give you different kinds of rewards, from signed CD copies to invitations to the concert or recording sessions in Bern.

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: TerraEpon on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 01:26
And I reading that right, that the lowest tier to get the CD is equivalent to $163?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 02:30
That is to receive a signed CD box, TerraEpon. My guess is that most of the value comes behind it behind signed, with it possibly being released to you sooner. The general release of the album should be less than that on the label.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 08:26
You don't have to participate in the crowd funding to "buy" a CD set. Just wait until the set is released and I imagine that the price will be in line with normal CD pricing. Crowd funding is essentially asking for gifts beforehand to help pay for the recording, and as an enticement to give larger amounts we are offered a tiered set of rewards. I'm certainly participating and I do hope that other friends in our community will do so. There's no fixed or minimum amount and it's difficult to think of a more important or ground-breaking project which would aid the cause of not just Raff but unsungs generally. Dig deep!!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: TerraEpon on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 13:12
I've contributed to many crowd funding campaigns. I know how they work. But I've never seen a one where the lowest tier to get the product is such an investment compared to the eventual probable retail price of it.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 13:16
My apologies, I (and I'm sure Justin) didn't mean to be patronising.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 16:34
I was definitely patronizing.  ;D

But seriously, I'm sure there are factors we don't know about, such as cost margins for the label and expenses for the length of the recording sessions.

Looking forward to it nonetheless. I'll be contributing $150 to support the project. If I lived in Switzerland and was able to attend the concert, it would certainly be more. Very glad they are bringing Raff's lesser-known works to light with professional quality.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: John Boyer on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 18:26
Quote from: TerraEpon on Wednesday 29 March 2023, 13:12[...] I've never seen a one where the lowest tier to get the product is such an investment compared to the eventual probable retail price of it.

It's meant to be a contribution.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Wednesday 10 May 2023, 11:35
Good news! The Wemakeit campaign has reached it goal with still a day to go, so it looks like the recording is going to go forward.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 10 May 2023, 16:57
Excellent news!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Ebubu on Sunday 14 May 2023, 19:39
Quote from: John Boyer on Thursday 03 November 2022, 11:53I would happily pre-order a set if it helps finance the recording costs. Some gaming companies do this. At GMT games, for example, they have a program called "P500". A new game is proposed and if a certain number of gamers subscribe to its production (500 in this case) they go ahead with the project.

It's nothing recent really. Opera Rara has functionned on this economic scheme from the start, with a subscription model to finance upcoming projects.... Now, of course, they have diversified their funding and have acquired a larger visibility, but...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Tuesday 12 September 2023, 21:17
I received Schweizer Fonogramm's newsletter today and the studio recording of the opera took place from August 29 to September 4. The album will contain 3 discs and be released "next winter," so I presume that means late 2024/early 2025. Our fellow forum member Frédéric Angleraux will be doing the mixing and editing!

Very much looking forward to this release.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 12 September 2023, 21:35
It's great news that the recording's in the can. Thanks.

'Im kommenden Winter' (=  lit. 'in the coming winter') is somewhat ambiguous as it might also be translated 'next winter'. It would be interesting to know what our friend Fred at Schweizer Fonogramm says about a possible release date - if he is permitted to do so, that is.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 13 September 2023, 12:32
Dear Fred,

Have you any firm news about a release date for Samson? We're all very much looking forward to this important release!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Rainolf on Thursday 14 September 2023, 21:24
Having heard the performance in Bern I can say that it was superior to the Weimar performance last year in every respect. The singers were first rate, even in the smaller roles, and everyone sang the text perfectly, the native German speakers as well as the singers of other mother tongues. As I heard in the theatre the recording is scheduled to be released in December.

The performance was not complete, but the recording, which was made during the week before, will contain the unperformed music, too.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 14 September 2023, 22:00
Quotethe recording is scheduled to be released in December.

Aha! Not next winter, but this coming winter. A great Christmas gift...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Friday 15 September 2023, 02:38
Great to hear. Schweizer Fonogramm is doing a tremendous service to Swiss Romantic music, let alone Unsung Composers in general.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 15 September 2023, 18:47
Indeed they are, Justin. Samson for Christmas is a great prospect!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Friday 27 October 2023, 11:42
Dear friends,

It's been a long time since my last post. I had to finish another Swiss production for Schweizer Fonogramm dedicated to Othmar Schoeck just after the recording of Samson...

I'm now editing the opera and it sounds fantastic. We did it in 5 days, one day per act.
The Bern Symphony Orchestra is really excellent. They only had two rehearsals before (including my soundcheck). The choir was very well prepared and contributed to the quality of the takes, as did the stage orchestra.
In order to optimise time (2 services per day) I opted to work in sections with a reading, work on that section and then the takes.
As for the soloists, they all gave their best (as did the whole team) and I have to say that this opera has really taken an artistic and emotional way that I didn't find when it was broadcast from Weimar... Sorry.
So I'm very happy with the takes I have.

I'm working on it and it's my main job for the incoming weeks. I have no idea when will be the release, but under the Christmas tree this year seems a bit short... It's a lot of work and it'll take as long as it takes, I have no pressure to finish, my goal is to do it the best I can with what I have.
I think the label also needs more time than usual to manage the booklet, the packaging and finally the production. End of january or february looks more serious to me.

On verra!

Some few pictures and one small handy video.

Salutations de Bern,

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 27 October 2023, 11:45
This is wonderful news, Fred - thanks for all the information and links. We greatly look forward to the release of Samson, perhaps in New Year 2024. But do take your time!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 27 October 2023, 13:37
I can only echo what Alan has written. It's great news.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Friday 27 October 2023, 22:53
I am very impressed by the widescreen monitor used for the sound mixing. Alan and Mark probably have one just like it for managing this forum. ;D

Also looking forward to the Schoeck release!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 27 October 2023, 23:22
QuoteI am very impressed by the widescreen monitor used for the sound mixing. Alan and Mark probably have one just like it for managing this forum. ;D

Mark's the tech guy. Everything's steam-driven at this end.  ;)
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Saturday 28 October 2023, 18:50
Oh yes, all 1990s equipment here!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Sunday 03 December 2023, 15:46
Dear Friends,

Graziella from Schweizer Fonogramm asked me to prepare a short extract from Samson.
I'm allowed to post it here before she does on her social media.
Here is the end of Act1.


Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 03 December 2023, 17:54
Terrific! Raff in full Lohengrin/Tannhäuser mode (only joking). I can't wait for the release of the set. Thanks Fred.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 03 December 2023, 20:44
All I can say is 'wow!' This is going to be a major recording event!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 04 December 2023, 20:10
I heartily agree - most impressive.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Saturday 23 December 2023, 22:26
The release is coming soon:


Merry Christmas.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 23 December 2023, 22:46
Danke sehr! Und frohe Weihnachten!

We are sooooo looking forward to this release!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 24 December 2023, 09:47
Release date: Frühjahr 2024, i.e. Spring next year.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Monday 25 December 2023, 09:23
Quote from: Alan Howe on Sunday 24 December 2023, 09:47Release date: Frühjahr 2024, i.e. Spring next year.
Probably begining of March. The audio is already finished but I think the booklet is taking longer than expected...

Graziella will also be working with a new marketing team in Berlin and it's a great idea. Schweizer Fonogramm productions should have more visibility and a greater marketing return than at present. That's important for the development of the label.
This new team needs the final product 8 weeks before the official release.

"Samson" was a very big budget and if the label doesn't get more financial returns than usual, there won't be any more opera productions because they are much more expensive than symphony productions.

Raff's 'Dame Kobold' is already in discussion but 'Samson' has to be a success first.
It's better to release a few weeks later but in better marketing conditions, which is in everyone's interest.

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 25 December 2023, 10:20
I agree - and I quite understand the need for a suitable period of preparation before the release of Samson. It is likely to be one of the most important operatic releases of 2024, especially as large-scale studio productions are becoming increasingly rare these days, so it needs to be launched with as loud a trumpet-blast (if one may put it like that) as possible. I'm sure, therefore, that we all wish your team every success over the coming months.

Frohe Weihnachten - und prosit Neujahr!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Thursday 01 February 2024, 19:30
Dear friends,

Next Saturday (February the 3rd) at 10am (Swiss local time), there'll be an interview with Philippe Bach, the Samson's "baton".
Tittle of the interview: "Kaffee mit dem Dirigenten Philippe Bach - alles Raff?".

You should have the opportunity to listen to some few extracts of the opera, the radio asked me for some audio material.

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 01 February 2024, 20:20
Thanks for this important notification. Much appreciated!

Central European Time/Swiss local time is currently one hour ahead of UK time, so this programme will be broadcast at 9am our time.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 19 March 2024, 10:51
Excitement is mounting for this release. Must be imminent - Spring is just about here...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 19 March 2024, 21:01
Hint, hint:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 22 April 2024, 18:27
Is there any news about a possible release date for this important project?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Monday 22 April 2024, 19:47
I'm sure that Fred can be more specific but the last I heard it was scheduled for late April or during May. So, within the next few weeks unless it's been delayed.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 22 April 2024, 20:39
Thanks. Can't wait!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 25 April 2024, 14:08
Here's a trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQTZlRxRSo) for the recording.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 26 April 2024, 11:56
It's wonderful to catch even a morsel of this lovely music. Thanks, Mark.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 26 April 2024, 12:11
It does sound truly splendid. I am looking forward very much to this release.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Tuesday 30 April 2024, 21:00
Release date is May 20th.

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 30 April 2024, 21:25
Facebook confirms the date: Bis zum offiziellen Release am 20. Mai...

Nothing on the label's website, though.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Thursday 09 May 2024, 08:11
Dear Friends,
The records should be here, in Switzerland, tomorrow!  ;)
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 09 May 2024, 09:47
Thanks, Fred. Wir freuen uns darauf!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 09 May 2024, 11:20
Fantastic. Thanks, Fred.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Friday 10 May 2024, 08:02
It's here!

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 10 May 2024, 08:21
That's very good news, Fred. Could you please let us know when the CDs can be ordered? Thanks!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Friday 10 May 2024, 09:00
Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 10 May 2024, 08:21That's very good news, Fred. Could you please let us know when the CDs can be ordered? Thanks!

Dear Alan,

I asked Graziella and it should be around the 20 of May...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 10 May 2024, 11:24
Great. It's a date!

The sight of that consignment of CDs is almost too much to bear...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 11 May 2024, 10:12
The set's now being advertised by jpc at EUR39.99 for the three CDs:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: John Boyer on Saturday 11 May 2024, 16:49
Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 10 May 2024, 11:24Great. It's a date!

The sight of that consignment of CDs is almost too much to bear...

O-ho the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin' down the street,
Oh please let it be for me!

O-ho the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin' down the street,
I wish, I wish I knew what it could be!

I'm a-hopin' for an opry by a guy named Raff
That's the music that I really want to hear

Though the singing to my standards may be far far off
Still I want that Schweizer package to be near!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 11 May 2024, 17:48
Well done, John-Boy! A poet - and don't 'e know it...
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: John Boyer on Saturday 11 May 2024, 23:16
Is "The Music Man" as much a staple of the English musical theatre as it is here in the colonies, or does its nostalgic Americana not survive translation?  Meredith Wilson composed two symphonies, recorded for Naxos, but I've never taken to them, despite my best efforts. 

Meanwhile, I'll keep an eye out for that delivery wagon.  I'm confident it will be worth the wait. 
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 12 May 2024, 09:32
I sang in a choral medley from The Music Man a few years ago and really enjoyed the songs but, apart from 76 Trombones from time to time, I can't remember hearing any of the other numbers, let alone the whole musical, getting an airing over here. Willson's two symphonies were a disappointment, I agree. None of the spark and colour of the musical, just rather academic and tedious as I recall. Anyway, as we moderators say, back to Raff's Samson,
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 12 May 2024, 09:42
Audio samples are now available at Schweizer Fonogrammm:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 12 May 2024, 13:43
My order's in!

Orders can be placed here:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Sunday 12 May 2024, 17:00
Has anyone who donated to the fund received any updates yet as to their copies?
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 12 May 2024, 17:02
No, I've heard nothing, but if the CDs have only been received in Bern this week it's going to be a few days at least, I imagine.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Justin on Sunday 12 May 2024, 17:08
I figured. Just double checking.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 13 May 2024, 10:23
The eleven excerpts at Schweizer Fonogramm give a good idea of the general 'feel' of this large-scale opera which, had it been performed in the late 1850s, would surely have sounded very modern in the age of Meyerbeerian grand opera, rivalling even early Wagner.

I must give Cornelius' Der Cid (1865) another listen, for comparison purposes.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Monday 13 May 2024, 14:35
The selections do indeed give an excellent survey of what Samson has to offer, and also a good idea of the quality of the performance and recording. Buy with confidence!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 16 May 2024, 22:43
Even more excerpts are now available at jpc:
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 21 May 2024, 16:15
So: the 'Swiss Lohengrin' is here! And a most welcome arrival on the operatic scene it is too. Samson was completed in 1857, some seven years after Wagner's Lohengrin (1850); other important operas written in roughly the same period include those of Verdi's early maturity (Rigoletto, Il Trovatore and La Traviata) and his grand opera The Sicilian Vespers (1855), Meyerbeer's Le Prophète (1849), Schumann's Genoveva (1850) and Berlioz's Les Troyens (1856-8); Gounod's Faust (1859) lay two years in the future. Raff's opera, however, was never staged in the composer's lifetime.
   How, then, does Samson stack up? In a word: excellently. It's simply amazing that music of such quality should have remained unperformed and unrecorded for so long. In common with Wagner's operas up to this point, Samson would surely have seemed very modern: although it has some of the trappings of Grand Opera, it sacrifices mere crowd-pleasing to the dictates of music drama just as seriously conceived as Lohengrin. This is no Meyerbeerian spectacle; neither, however, is it a mere imitation of Wagner, although Raff does employ musical motifs - such as, for example, Samson's triumphant fanfare. In terms of structure, Raff is actually more consistent than Wagner in creating a continuous musical narrative. A CD of highlights might be tricky to devise!
   As in so much of his compositional oeuvre Raff is the consummate synthesizer of musical opposites – in this case, Grand Opera and Wagnerian music drama. The result is something typically Raff, albeit in a synthesis he was soon to abandon altogether.
   The performance does this fine work proud. Philippe Bach conducts the Bern Symphony Orchestra with a sure sense of the need in Raff for taut rhythms and clarity of expression. The cast is good, although not of the very highest class, I think. The best singing comes from the powerful, gleaming soprano of Olena Tokar as Delilah and the firm bass-baritone of Christian Immler as the High Priest. As Samson, Magnus Vigilius is better in lyrical passages than in the strenuous sections where his tenor is sometimes sorely taxed, but he certainly doesn't let the side down. The best of him is probably to be heard in his ardent singing in Act 2 scene 2. The chorus give an excellent account of themselves (and they have a lot to do!)
   I don't imagine that this release will ever have a commercial competitor. It is the reference recording that Samson so urgently needed – and deserved.

Prosit Raff! Prosit Schweizer Fonogramm!

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 21 May 2024, 17:26
Thank you Alan. FWIW, having had the privilege of already getting to know the recording for a month, I agree with everything Alan has written, so much so that I'm not going to post the review I'd already written as it would mostly be repetition.

This is as good a recording as we've any right to expect and it really does Raff proud. Schweizer Fonogramm deserve to have Samson sell by the shed load.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 21 May 2024, 17:48
It has been a privilege to receive my copy of this landmark recording and a pleasure writing about it this afternoon. The weather outside may be dreary, but I have a wide smile on my face!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 21 May 2024, 20:53
By the way, for those curious to know, Samson plays for just over three hours - longer than The Flying Dutchman, but shorter than Lohengrin; about the same length as The Sicilian Vespers. In other words, it's a 'big listen'.
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: adcsound on Sunday 26 May 2024, 06:57
Dear friends,

Please don't forget Robin Adams as Abimelech!
2 days before the first rehearsal with orchestra (unique, by the way...) the singer scheduled for Abimelech let us down!
Robin was in Bern and available, almost sight reading the score and literally saving the production.
Not only is he extremely likeable, but I'll always be grateful to him for his incredible performance in these circumstances.

As I've already written, producing an opera is a total adventure, much more complicated than a symphony production.

Like all producers, I am a great admirer of what John Culshaw was able to do in his day.
I must say, in all modesty of course, that I remember the anecdotes he quotes in his book 'Putting the record straight', sometimes describing the recording of operas as a mad world...
He was right.

But it's also extremely exhilarating and exciting.

Salutations suisses,

Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 26 May 2024, 09:28
Thanks for this, Fred, and thanks for such an amazing overall production!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 26 May 2024, 09:32
You and the whole team should be really proud of what you've achieved, I don't think it could have been bettered. Congratulations!
Title: Re: Recording of Raff's Samson
Post by: John Boyer on Friday 31 May 2024, 01:53
It's here!  126 pages of notes and an equally long libretto!  Well worth the wait!