Unsung Composers

The Web Site => The Archive => Downloads Discussion Archive => Topic started by: eschiss1 on Sunday 04 September 2011, 05:42

Title: Myaskovsky
Post by: eschiss1 on Sunday 04 September 2011, 05:42
linking to a download on archive.org since this has been a topic in the Recordings forum and again, easier to become acclimated to a composer (one I admit I esteem highly!) from hearing their music.

U. Chicago symphony/Barbara Schubert (http://www.archive.org/details/uso20110305) performance, from March 2011, of the Myaskovsky symphony 22 in B minor (Symphony-Ballade from the middle, 1941, of World War 2. Well, middle for Europe and Russia.) There are two commercial recordings of this piece at least (Svetlanov once on LP, now? on Melodiya; another on Northern Flowers of more recent "vintage". This is a -rare, I think- live performance. I have the Svetlanov recording which is appropriately very emotional and makes the most of the returns of the cyclic opening material, especially toward the end of the symphony where a slight change has a great effect.)
