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Composers & Music / Re: Thomas Dunhill Symphony
Last post by eschiss1 - Yesterday at 22:30
I see that there are a few books devoted to him and his music and am guessing that one of them might- I'll see if I can borrow one of them...
And a big thank-you for bringing us this very good news!
Looks like Toccata Classics will not be releasing the CD of the 3 Curiel piano concertos.  It was listed as 0338 in the TC pipeline for years, but has now been deleted.  Rodolfo Ritter, the piano soloist, also has told me that TC is not releasing it.
Some twelve years ago we had a great thread about Melartin's 3rd Symphony:,2985.0.html
Our member jani told us about cuts in several parts of the Grin cycle. A new critical edition of the scores was underway then. Yesterday I visited to find out what had happened in the meantime. I noticed a blog entry about a 2022 performance of Symphony no. 5 by Ari Rasilainen. He was very enthusiastic about the work. A recording for cpo of nos. 5 and 6 was mentioned. I contacted cpo and Burkhard Schmilgun answered me this morning. Very kind of him!

Yes, nos. 5 and 6 were recorded by Ari Rasilainen and the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra. The recordings were based on the new critical edition and are uncut. They will be released in July 2025. The project will continue with no. 3 and the Lyric Suite.

A big Thank You to Burkhard Schmilgun, Ari Rasilainen and the Turku PO!
Composers & Music / Re: Ferdinand Hiller
Last post by tpaloj - Yesterday at 07:29
Thank you friends! One reason I enjoy transcribing Hiller's music is because of the ease of means in his orchestration. Just so many or just so few instruments are employed as the music calls for (often enough). Perhaps sometimes less inspired than many of his peers were, he was still an outstanding musician with a large amount of good music still waiting to be given new chances.

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Sunday 15 September 2024, 20:54Incidentally, Tuomas, do you have any more news on the possible recording of Hiller's VC?
No unfortunately not. I hope it's proceeding, but I haven't heard or asked of it lately.
Fantastic news!
Composers & Music / Re: Thomas Dunhill Symphony
Last post by FBerwald - Yesterday at 03:27
Do we have a detailed list of his compositions - Any other symphonies or concertos?
Composers & Music / Re: Thomas Dunhill Symphony
Last post by britishcomposer - Thursday 19 September 2024, 20:50
I agree heartily and would like to recommend listening to his Violin Sonata in F, Op. 50. Suzanne Stanzeleit recorded it 30 years ago. Especially the last movement is such a joyfully melodic journey, emotionally satisfying. On the other hand almost every other piece of his has left me disappointed so far. His technique is unfailing but his inspiration often low.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Nicodé's "Gloria!" finally...
Last post by Alan Howe - Thursday 19 September 2024, 17:12
Very kind.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Nicodé's "Gloria!" finally...
Last post by Wheesht - Thursday 19 September 2024, 17:05
Absolutely, I'll PM you later.