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Messages - hyperdanny

It arrived today, so I guess you are right about the different release dates. Still it's weird that Dux says unavailable. Mysteries.
very strange..clicmusique say they posted mine on Feb 20th, maybe thay had a few items stock..
I ordered it from Clicmusique (France) through Amazon marketplace, apparently they have it in stock
I wholeheartedly agree..Magnard is totally on a different level. What wonderful and individual music.
I have to say this time I second DH..I tried, but I just can't stay interested in Foerster's music for more than five minutes. I find it pleasant, but way too bland.
Maybe the Naxos set is going to be little more characterful ?, but the material is what it is.
For sure the orchestra on Dux is not the Berliners, not even a good German radio orchestra, but patchy moments aside it's listenable.
I heard worse on some old Marco Polo releases.
Agreed on the "not a patch on Wranitzky".
very good point!
Finally I have been able to devote some time to listen to the Rauchenecker.
This time DH was quite a bit off the mark.
Basically his main contention against the symphony was that it banally embodied the stereotypical German Romantic symphony, with no originality whatsoever.
hearing this, and knowing the date, it's logical to expect some average Mendelssohnian concoction of the kind churned out by the Leipzig conservatory in the hundreds.
Which is exactly what this symphony is not.
I am not saying it's a masterpiece, but I found this Wagner-turned-absolute music/Dvorakian hybrid quite entertaining and, in places, quite original in its soundworld.
It took two listening sessions, though: I really think DH listened to it just once.
This reminds me of when he absolutely trashed on his website another piece I really like: the Rabaud symphony, which I think is a pretty fantastic French symphony.
dear oh dear , uncle Dave is really having a field day with poor Rauchenecker.
I have it, but I haven't got the chance to listen to it..that's going to be interesting.
I was very surprised when I saw the Naxos release, because I knew that the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma had been disbanded....but then I saw the recording dates...
there's a good release on Dux where the symphony n.3, the violin concerto n.2 , and an overture in D major are played by a regular, full size orchestra, with no HIP pretensions.
True, the symphony is no great masterpiece, but it comes across much, much better.
the 2 late symphonies op.50 e 51 in my opinion are a little beyond late Classical, the definitely look towards early Romanticism..more early Beethoven than late Mozart.
Anyway , this cd is stupendous, the music is especially wonderful even for Wranitzky, gorgeously played and recorded.
Even if by now I should be used to it, it boggles my mind that cpo has been sitting on this for six years for op.50, and eight years for the other two!
One wonders aobut their vault...
I have not yet received the cd from jpc, so I can't comment on the music itself, but I have to say that I found the general tone of the review shockingly condescendiong
Great news thank you! I absolutely love the D minor and even if judging from what's on youtube the other one is not quite on the same level, it's still a lovely piece, so far shamefully unrecorded. Another surefire purchase.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Alfvén Symphony No.2
Friday 08 July 2022, 11:00
Beautiful performance, even better than expected.
It is the best of both worlds: it has Willen's "misterioso" , monumental approach, but also a lot of the energy and drive found in Jarvi, but without what now sounds positively like brusqueness.
Also, the orchestra is superior : Jarvi's was ok, the always reliable RSNO much, much better, but they didn't quite command that special sheen that a top-notch German orchestra can provide. (and the DSO Berlin is top notch, make no mistake: they might be Berlin's "second" ensemble but I saw them live several times, and on a good night they're not much behind the Philharmoniker).
Add finely balanced, impactful sound, and there you have it.
This cycle now is bound to be my reference, but I am keeping the Naxos, it has a lot going for it, while I am finally discarding Jarvi,