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Topics - Martin Eastick

Others here may already be aware of this snippet of information/query, but I recently acquired a copy of these 2 marches in an arrangement for piano duet by none other than Richard Strauss. They have recently been reprinted by Universal Edition and are bear the opus number 127. The original full score as published by Aibl (which Universal took over), doesn't quote any opus number (see IMSLP).
When I opened my newly acquired copy, I noticed immediately that the first march is none other than the main march  subject of the 3rd movement of the his op185 Piano Concerto, which the orchestra plays before the piano's entry with a counter subject!
I'm sure the Raff afficianados here probably are aware of this, but it was quite a surprise to me, as well as the duet arrangement being by a young Richard Strauss!
I have just noticed this! Shame about the couplings, but I can live with it. The Kovarovic concerto was one of many that Hyperion perhaps should have taken up! I did mention it several times to Mike Spring in years gone by, but he never seemed to be interested.
Suppé's recently-discovered orchestral "Fantasia Symphonica" of 1859 receives it's world premiere recording here, coupled with more familiar fare as well as another premiere!
Ther are are some real delights here - and no Florence Price in sight, or more correctly, within earshot!
More delights from Alfredo d'Ambrosio here on this new Tactus release of his chamber music - all first recordings as far as I am aware! As well as the String Quartet Op42 and Suite for String Quintet Op8, there are also four exquisite encores of a more "palm court" persuasion!
Composers & Music / First night of the Proms 2023
Tuesday 18 July 2023, 14:07
I feel compelled to offer some thoughts here. Although I admit not hearing the entire concert, the opening Sibelius Finlandia in its choral guise made a welcome change from its usual orchestral only version, and the subsequent Snöfrid was more than acceptable......... Then, what else? The Grieg gets its 95th Proms performance - is this anything for the BBC to be proud to announce? Then an anonymous Ukrainian contemporary offering which left me stone cold. If the BBC wanted to promote a Ukrainian presence, WHY IN HEAVEN'S NAME COULD WE HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN SOMETHING FAR MORE FITTING, WITH A MUCH HIGHER PROFILE! My suggestion - scrap the Grieg and this dreary contemporary contribution, and substitute with Viktor Kosenko's wonderful colourful Piano Concerto - an offering well worthy representing the best of Ukrainian music, as well as a timely reminder that this work is still awaiting a commercial recording!! Then we come to the Britten - take it or leave it - as far as I'm concerned, so I left it!
I was delighted to come across this new release: Although it seems a little strange that it appears to be the only work  on the CD, and therefore will be subject to the usual criticism of "short measure", the work itself is certainly up there with the best of the more serious sonata-type works for piano duet which appeared during the earlier part of the 19th century, with such illustrious stablemates as those by Moscheles, Onslow, Ries, Czerny, Kalkbrenner amongst others. The opening movement also brings Pixis to mind, with shades of his 6th piano trio, also in the same key of f sharp minor (the original of the infamous Turnabout "double concerto" hoax); and, coincidentally, both Pixis' and Blahetka's works date from around 1839, and both were dedicated to Clara Wieck (Schumann)!
I suppose it would have been a good idea to have filled out the disc with one of Kalkbrenner's two duet sonatas - preferably the second (Op79/80) which appeared in the mid 1820's - as Blahetka studied with him!
However, I await this Cd with eager anticipation!
Recordings & Broadcasts / Zelenski's opera "Janek"
Wednesday 10 May 2023, 12:24
This world première recording from Naxos of Zelenski's opera "Janek" should be well worth having, and although opera is not my speciality by any stretch of the imagination, Zelenski's music always has much to offer! Therefore, a "must-buy" for me!
Yet more Czerny premières for piano and orchestra from Tuck and Bonynge!
According to the post on Youtube, this will complete their invaluable recording project, although there are, as one might suspect, other works for piano and orchestra by Czerny. All in all though, this project has certainly done Czerny proud, and rediscovered some of his most attractive music!
Although vocal music is not my speciality by any stretch of the imagination, and there are those here that have a much more learned view of vocal repertoire in general, I felt that this recent release of songs by the Dutch - American composer Richard Hageman may be of interest. I obtained the CD a few months ago but only had the chance yesterday to listen for the first time, and have to say that this CD would probably be at the top of my vocal list, both from a repertoire aspect, but also the superb (IMHO) rendition by the Australian soprano Siobhan Stagg.
Although the CD contains a few of Hageman's lighter efforts, the majority of the featured songs consist of high quality late romantic American art songs, extremely well written, with equally attractive piano accompaniments. Think of a blend of Amy Beach, Richard Strauss & perhaps Tchaikovsky for starters!
This new release looks (and sounds) most promising, with a premiere recording of Enric Casals' Cello Concerto!
Fairly hot on the heels of the rather inadequate Da Vinci Classics release mentioned previously on this forum, it seems rather incredible that such obscure, but nevertheless worthwhile, repertoire should receive anotherrecording which, on the evidence of the soundbites provided, certainly promotes Albanesi in a far more favourable light. Both the recording quality and performance (Julia Severus, who has already recorded two CD's of piano music by Barjansky for Grand Piano), are excellent IMHO! Furthermore, as this is only the first volume, there should be more goodies to follow!
I have just noticed this, an important release with world premieres by Raff (Op207a) and Paul Juon's "Jotenheimen" Op71, suitably rounded off with Arensky's ubiquitous, but always welcome, Op15 - all for 2 pianos , of course!
I noticed this world premiere recording by chance! This string quartet of Czerny, in A flat major and supposedly his 28th, has never been recorded before (it certainly is not on the Capriccio double CD), and takes up a whole CD on its own in this anthology! The soundbites give an enticing preview of what could be another major Czerny re-discovery! Needless to say, my copy is already on order, is spite of the rather more ordinary fare which occupies the other 4 CD's! 
I know these 3 sonatas have been recorded before - but not with the violin and cello parts as originally intended, so I look forward to hearing these when released.
Following on from Jonathan's post of earlier today under 2022 Unsung Concerts, and having investigated further, I came across this recent performance of Scharwenka's Symphony in C minor, with the Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra conducted (and presented) by that ever-present advocate of Polish romantic repertoire, Lukasz Borowicz! The performance is certainly exciting, as one might expect; and perhaps a new recording may be on the cards? One can only hope so!
The latest round of releases from Dutton includes a number of interesting items - in particular Spain-Dunk's piano quartet, coupled with Walford Davies' Piano Quintet Op54, and a piano quartet by Alfred M Wall (1875-1936). There is also a CD of woodwind quintets, including Spain-Dunk's Rhapsody Quintet from 1920, as well as other works by McEwen, Bowen & Holst etc.

An early violin concerto by Benjamin Godard looks very much like a must-have, as well as more chamber music by
Paul Lacombe- following on from their excellent earlier release of his piano trios.