Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Wheesht on Saturday 07 October 2017, 13:34

Title: Hans Gál Vc Concerto w/R.Wallfisch
Post by: Wheesht on Saturday 07 October 2017, 13:34
Just found out that a new recording of Gál's Cello Concerto with Raphael Wallfisch has been released on CPO and is being broadcast tonight, 7 Oct at about 21.20 UK time on Deutschland Radio Kultur.
Title: Re: Hans Gál Vc Concerto w/R.Wallfisch
Post by: eschiss1 on Saturday 07 October 2017, 17:52
Yes. The CD is coupled with a recently-rediscovered concerto by Castelnuovo-Tedesco (recorded on cpo and soon to be recorded on Naxos as well.)
Title: Re: Hans Gál Vc Concerto w/R.Wallfisch
Post by: minacciosa on Sunday 08 October 2017, 01:10
The C-T concerto wasn't recently discovered; he wrote it for Piatigorsky and it was performed. It just hasn't been played for a while, which is a shame because it's a fine piece. Really prime C-T. Brinton Smith did it recently with the Houston Symphony.

Raphael has also recorded the Karl Weigl Concerto. This concerto was never performed during Weigl's lifetime, and the recording was its first ever airing. I've heard the recording, and it's a gem of a concerto.
Title: Re: Hans Gál Vc Concerto w/R.Wallfisch
Post by: eschiss1 on Sunday 08 October 2017, 01:30
quoting myself:

"a recently-rediscovered concerto by..."

But yes, judging from Cellobello.com (http://www.cellobello.com/cello-blog/news/castelnuovo-tedescos-forgotten-masterpiece-brinton-averil-smith/), maybe that's not exactly accurate either.

Ah ok. Now I see. Never mind... (I misread the connecting clause/didn't see it there.) Weigl's cello concerto from 1934 (revised 1939?) should be interesting to hear based on his other stuff...