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Messages - Jonathan

I agree!
Excellent! Another one for the wishlist.  I wonder if they'll be recording the other F.X.Scharwenka piano concerto?
This is sounding like another disc for the want list!
Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Saturday 20 July 2024, 01:06Jonathan, if you go back to Simon's post of yesterday at 13.40 you will see that it was his announcement of this invitation on Hyperion's Facebook page that has prompted the recent responses here.

Apologies Gareth, I'm a bit distracted at the moment after I found out a close friend has died.  Please continue the discussion...
Interestingly, Hyperion have asked a question on their FB page today asking for suggestions for future recordings for the RPC series. Not sure if they've seen this thread!
Best regards,
Splendid news!
Slightly off topic, so apologies but Gareth, did you ever try contacting International Piano?  They might have been a better bet?

That said, 20 years ago I offered them my discography of works by Tausig and a general review of all the recordings of his music and they refused.
Having seen this list, I'm rather glad that I've changed my job and am better renumerated than I was!  :)
Composers & Music / Re: Liszt Dante Symphony
Wednesday 12 June 2024, 17:35
I'm sure I read somewhere that Mahler held Liszt in high regard and performed his monumentally difficult Scherzo und Marche in concert. Not sure where I read it though as I've not read any books on Mahler!
This sounds exactly like my sort of thing!
Composers & Music / Re: 2024 Unsung Concerts
Friday 15 March 2024, 21:23
Sorry, it's the York Symphony Orchestra, soloist in the Sibelius is Will Clark.  Hope this helps.
Composers & Music / Re: 2024 Unsung Concerts
Friday 15 March 2024, 19:52
Another one local to me:

Sir Jack Lyons Concert hall, York University, 30Mar2024 at 7.30pm:

Emile Mayer: Overture in D minor
Bruckner: Symphony no.4
Sibelius: Violin concerto

Might be able to get there!
Composers & Music / Re: Reger Gesang der Verklärten
Monday 11 March 2024, 19:12
I also have this in a boxed set and have never listened to it...
Does anyone have any insights into how this compares with the earlier complete piano music recording on Genesis with Adrian Ruiz?

I also have to say that i've yet to hear a piece by Goetz that I don't like!
There's also a recording by Giovanna Gatto on Volume 1 of the complete piano music on Toccata Classics.