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Messages - eschiss1

Not impossible - his string quartets, violin sonatas and other chamber music were commercially recorded in LP days, and there are recordings, one commercial, one not, of two of his symphonies, not half so bad for a very little known composer- but I don't know yet either!
I've noticed (and uploaded/mirrored in a couple of cases from Debrecen, iirc) his works at IMSLP- chamber music there, including a piano sonata, a violin (&piano) sonata, and a few other things...
Composers & Music / Re: Guido Peters
Saturday 07 September 2024, 16:52
Detail: the original score and parts of sym. 3 are also at Fleisher.
Composers & Music / Re: Guido Peters
Saturday 07 September 2024, 16:27
There are several other published works (IMSLP has some chamber music of his, for example). ÖNB catalog subdivides their "Peters, Guido" entries into 20 published (Musikdruck) and 89 manuscript entries, not all of which are complete (though some of the incomplete mss are sketches of works that exist in complete form, unsurprisingly, and that "89" includes one entry for the C minor quartet's score and another for its parts, e.g.- it's not 89 wholly separate pieces of music, I'm saying. But the sketches for the aforementioned symphony no.4 in A-flat of 1908? right here (not yet digitized if ever, but there's a description and card catalog entry.) Description of the 1890 symphony in C here, another here, and its parts here. The symphony in E minor, which does have the date 1900 here (perhaps it was revised, maybe I've just been wrong) here and its parts here. The autograph score of no.3 is also listed in the catalog. Guessing I am probably wrong about the date of no.2, though, again, it might still be the same work (or an early version of it) as the work performed in the concert - further information to confirm or disconfirm  OBL's worklist - itself partially based on the NZM obituary and other sources, apparently- might help.

Of 2 cello sonatas one in F minor was published, without opus number; one in C major -was- given Op.7 but remains in ms (I think).

(ONB also has the mss of a piano concerto and the opera "Beata", etc.)
Composers & Music / Re: Chausson: "Poème"
Saturday 07 September 2024, 02:33
The F minor piano sonata I was referring to from 1880 is only 18-23 pp in its autograph scores so maybe it's a sonatina in effect...
Composers & Music / Re: Chausson: "Poème"
Saturday 07 September 2024, 02:29
Samazeuilh-edited edition: OCLC.
Composers & Music / Re: Guido Peters
Saturday 07 September 2024, 02:21
Peters' "symphony in E minor" is his 2nd symphony of 1900-3 which IS mentioned in the preface, but with the wrong dates. Info from ÖBL and ÖNB.
hrm. sym.2 is mentioned twice: box 5 folder 10 has the 2-piano reduction, box 9 folder 1 has the "bound score". Unless these are just the same thing, or the score is missing, I presume the full score is the one in box 9, but since they can't find it, that doesn't bode well (I mean, I'd prefer they used a symphony that existed in full rather than one that needed to be reconstructed). Is Martin Anderson reading this and able presumably to shed some light...
Did they mean no score, or no score and no parts? (Unfortunately the St Michael's College link showing the College's holdings of his music- the finding aid- seems to be down- maybe it's moved at their site...) Ah, it's moved here.
Composers & Music / Re: Chausson: "Poème"
Thursday 05 September 2024, 20:17
Some of the recent editions are based on Gustave Samazueilh's edition, I notice.

I'm surprised there's no attempt at a Chausson critical edition yet. A piano sonata has been published, for example...
2-piano reduction at imslp should provide some info for scorereaders; I know of no recordings otherwise.
It's also possible that the search engine may be sensitive to the difference between ' and ' and other minor details... (or not, since the "smart right single quote" and "plain right single quote" are rendered the same here, it seems.)
I'm guessing the museum is eponymous with the publisher, by the way?
It will be (c) in Europe until 2045 so inclined to doubt it?...
I don't think Berwald's been mentioned on this thread. (Maybe because he's not absolutely definitely "sung". When I first heard of him in Summer '87 and first heard a work of his sometime around 1988-9, he was pretty unsung. By comparison to -then- his symphonies at least are well-known now :))