Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 22 July 2009, 22:18

Title: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 22 July 2009, 22:18
Friends will no doubt be interested in the announcement by Sterling of the release of the Symphony No.1 in A (1874/5) by Polish composer, Zygmunt Noskowski. Noskowski wrote the piece while studying with Kiel in Berlin...

http://www.sterlingcd.com/ (http://www.sterlingcd.com/)

Another winner from Bo Hyttner! Noskowski is an important unsung composer and this is an absolutely wonderful symphony.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: mbhaub on Wednesday 22 July 2009, 22:29
This could be very good indeed. I have a recording of his tone poem, The Steppes, and it's marvelous music. Thanks for the heads up. I was very pleased to see that Gabriel Chmura conducts one of the works on the CD. Chmura was a guest conductor here some years ago in a thrilling concert that orchestra members still talk about. When a new conductor search started back then, there was even contingent working to get Chmura here permanently. No such luck.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 22 July 2009, 22:56
Noskowski's Third is a really great work too which is every bit as good as you'd hope from the composer of The Steppes. Confident, colourful, melodious and well put together, it deserves a place in the romantic symphonic repertoire if any unsung symphony does. I understand that Bo Hyttner has secured for Sterling the rights to all three of the symphonies in performances like these, first broadcast by Polish Radio, so we should be in for a series of treats.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Peter1953 on Wednesday 22 July 2009, 23:11
This made me very curious. I'm fond of Polish composers anyhow, and never heard anything from Noskowski.
Viewing at Sterling's website I noticed a recent release of Von Flotow's two piano concertos. Any member familiar with these works? Well, Alan's topic means an immediate order for two new CDs for a change...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: JimL on Wednesday 22 July 2009, 23:41
The Flotow concertos are lovely trinkets.  The 2nd is probably the more interesting of the two, due to its 4 movement structure (scherzo 2nd), but it was never performed in the composer's lifetime, so its influence, while potentially great, was nonexistent.  They are charming, attractive works, but slight in stature.  The pianist who performed them is a Forum member, but he hasn't posted anything yet.  Oh, well, between performing and teaching, he's a busy fellow...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 23 July 2009, 12:59
An interesting comparison is between Noskowski's 1st and Stanford's 1st (which was written only a year or so later). Both budding symphonists were clearly building on the great Germano-Austrian symphonic tradition, but without the example of Brahms (whose own 1st Symphony was also being written at that time and so was not yet known). Both Noskowski and Stanford came up with substantial symphonies (approx. 44 and 48 minutes in length respectively) - expansions, therefore, of the symphonism of Schumann and Mendelssohn into a more late-Romantic idiom.

So, please, no comparisons with Brahms! Noskowski's is a parallel voice, one which picks up and runs with the symphonic tradition in a direction all of his own.

Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Thursday 23 July 2009, 13:36
It is high time the symphonies of Noskowski were committed to disk and I am most encouraged that Bo Hyttner seems to have begun such a project. Another feather in Sterling's cap!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 23 July 2009, 14:29
How interesting that you came up with a Stanford comparison, Alan. The same thought occurred to me, although I had in mind the later Stanford symphonies from No.4 onwards. Noskowski has the same generous expansiveness, rich orchestration and is a born melodist, too.

Today, by the way, marks the centenary of Noskowski's death.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 23 July 2009, 16:28
Hats off to Zygmunt, then! Time for a reappraisal, methinks...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: izdawiz on Thursday 23 July 2009, 20:17
My Respects to Mr. Noskowski Indeed. Mark you mentioned the 3rd symphony is  nothing to scoff about . That got me thinking .. has any of his symphonies been recorded? and how many symphonies did  Noskowski make?
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 23 July 2009, 22:21
Only No.1 - but Sterling will eventually bring out all three.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 23 July 2009, 22:25
Well, of course all three have been recorded, by Polish Radio, but so far only one of those recordings, No.1, has been issued on CD. The Polish recording of No.3 has been broadcast a couple of times by the BBC, which is how I come to have a recording of the work.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 24 July 2009, 19:06
Having listened to this symphony about half a dozen times over the past couple of days, I am fast coming to the conclusion that it is great music. The idiom is very interesting: I suppose Schumann is in the background, but the scale is bigger and the sonorities richer. There is some wonderful writing for brass at climaxes too. But overall I have to say that this is music all of Noskowski's own.

The release is made all the more attractive and successful because of the wonderful playing of the Polish orchestra and the superb acoustic of the recording venue, beautifully captured in this recording.

Frankly, it's hard to imagine that Sterling have released anything better than this...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Amphissa on Saturday 25 July 2009, 16:54
Nice to know it is coming, but I don't see it actually being available at any retailers yet. So, is it available through some other channel? You obviously found it someplace.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 25 July 2009, 17:04
One or two sample CDs have been floating around - hence the early auditions. Give it a week or two and it'll be in the shops...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 29 July 2009, 19:13
I've been listening to the Sterling CD for the best part of a week now, having taken it on holiday with me. I must say that First is one of the most impressive symphonic debuts I can remember - certainly on a par with Tchaikovsky's for sheer confidence and quality. The material is all both instantly attractive and memorable, it is ingeniously and excitingly developed and the use of the orchestra is so impressive. The slow movement is just gorgeous. I am quite bowled over by this impressive work.

My only misgiving is that, having known the Third for a few years, I'm not sure how much Noskowski develops between the two, although they are separated by 20 years or more. I suppose that I want him to start strongly and keep on improving, whereas he may have stayed in the groove he first cut for himself.

Still, what a groove!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 29 July 2009, 20:21
I echo your opinion of No.1, Mark. It's a magnificent work. However, I do think there is development between No.1 and the better-known No.3, which actually dates from thirty or so years later: I think there is a more luxuriant harmonic palate as well as a more sophisticated and individual approach to rhythm in the later work (think of that opening theme in the first movement). It will be interesting to see whether there is significant development between No.1 and No.2, which Noskowski seems to have started not long afterwards.

Make no mistake: Noskowski is an important symphonic find. Just the sort of rediscovery to keep us all looking for more...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 29 July 2009, 20:40
Well, that's alright then. I don't have No.3 with me on my iPod, so was having to go by memory. I'm relieved that it shows strong development from the First. Like you, I'm now agog for No.2.

I should also put in a word of support for the Morskie Oko Overture, too. It's also powerful stuff - you can see where The Steppe came from. The later Pan Zolzikiewicz Overture is fun, but more Polish genre music than anything else. All in all, though, this is a real winner from Sterling.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 29 July 2009, 23:25
The Morskie Oko overture is absolutely superb - cut out of much the same cloth as the 1st Symphony.

I seem to have had the same experience as you, Mark, over the past week. The magnificence of this music has taken my breath away too. Roll on the further releases in this series!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: JimL on Thursday 30 July 2009, 00:31
The only entry I found on him listed only a bare handful of works, none of which were concertos for any instrument.  Did he compose any, I wonder?
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: DennisS on Thursday 30 July 2009, 01:49
Hello Alan and Mark

Reading all your comments on sym no 1 has really whetted my appetite! For the past few days I have searched the internet on all the cd outlets for the Sterling cd, but it is still not showing up anywhere, even though on the Sterling website,it is showing as released July. I imagine you two received advance copies of the cd. I guess I just have to be patient as it is sure to show up soon??? In the meantime, I have to content myself listening to The Steppe, which I like very much indeed!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 30 July 2009, 07:21
Yes Dennis, I'm afraid that we had privileged status! But the CDs are now with the distributors, so should be available very soon.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 30 July 2009, 08:42
As far as I can see, there are no concertos by Noskowski, nor even any concertante pieces.

The CD is certainly in the shops in Sweden now - so I imagine that wider availability will follow soon.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Peter1953 on Thursday 30 July 2009, 16:48
Thanks, Alan and Mark, for your interesting discussion. This will be another addition to my CD collection.
Anyone familiar with Noskowski's piano works?
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 30 July 2009, 16:52
Not the solo stuff, but the Piano Quartet in D minor, Op.8 is another superb piece.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Peter1953 on Thursday 30 July 2009, 17:08
A recent release is "Piano Works 1" by Valentina Seferinova (we know her of her fine interpretation of Raff's piano sonata op. 14) on the Acte Prealable label. It's called No. 1, so we can expect more.
I think I just order this disc, and give it as a present to my wife...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 30 July 2009, 17:14
Very sneaky, Peter. A well-known subterfuge, though!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 31 July 2009, 17:52
Noskowski's 2nd Symphony is subtitled "Elegiac" and I seem to recall reading an article many years ago (online, I think) which argued that the 2nd was the composer's best symphony. But since I have not heard it nor been able to locate a score in the UK, I cannot comment. The author was rather dismissive of No. 3 - unjustly in my opinion, having heard the broadcast performance which Mark very kindly put on disk for me. I look forward to hearing a performance of No. 1.
Incidentally, there are no concertante works by Noskowski.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: DennisS on Wednesday 05 August 2009, 02:03
Hello Peter
I've just been listening to audio extracts of all the pieces on Acte Prealable's piano works by Noskowski. I must say I am very impressed . All the pieces are very lovely and convey lots of different moods, at times I am reminded of Chopin. I too am going to buy the cd!  Still no sign sadly of the Sterling cd. Both JPC and MDT have said in the last 24 hours that they can give no details at the present moment. As Alan and Mark have said, hopefully the cd will be available soon.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Amphissa on Tuesday 11 August 2009, 02:34
Maybe they meant July of 2010  ::)
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 11 August 2009, 07:07
I'm sorry, it was insenstive of us to rave on about this CD when it isn't yet generally available. I'll make a mental note to avoid doing so in future. Sackcloth and ashes time...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 11 August 2009, 10:01
No need for such penitence, Mark. The guys on this forum are dreadfully (one might almost say "encouragingly") impatient to hear new works. But Patience - as we all know - is a virtue, and anticipation is a sauce that whets the appetite. Everything comes in time to him who waits - and many other ancient saws (I could go on like this for pages, but that really would test people's patience!). It is enough that we know Noskowski's Symphony No. 1 has been recorded, and on a label that has international distribution. I have no doubt the CD will be readily available very soon. In the mean time, enjoy the sense of expectation, everybody!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 11 August 2009, 16:30
I actually ordered my copy from the Toccata music shop of Harald Hoff in Värmdö, just east of Stockholm, Sweden - thus paying over the odds to get my copy early. No sackcloth and ashes for me!

For the really impatient, here's the link...

http://www.toccata.nu/cd-label/sterling/CDS-1083.html (http://www.toccata.nu/cd-label/sterling/CDS-1083.html)
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: DennisS on Tuesday 11 August 2009, 16:49
Hello Alan and everyone wanting to purchase the Sterling CD, have just today found out that the cd can be purchased through Priory Records (distributors for Sterling in the UK) but will only be available as from next week - website www.priory.org.uk (http://www.priory.org.uk). I imagine though that the price will be lower than through Toccata. I can't wait to listen to the symphony in view of all the glowing reports!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Saturday 15 August 2009, 07:11
jpc are now quoting 14 August availability. Details here... (http://www.jpc.de/jpcng/SESSIONID/79e43eccb04b8db435c91ba51094d975/classic/detail/-/art/Zygmunt-Noskowski-Orchesterwerke-Vol-1/hnum/1066700)
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 16 August 2009, 09:38
The Symphony is featured on tracks 2-5 of the Sterling CD, just in case anyone has tried out the audio samples at jpc which Mark draws attention to in the previous posting.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: DennisS on Sunday 23 August 2009, 10:36
Hi all

I have been listening to Noskowski's music for the past week or so, and am totally in agreement with what both Mark and Alan have said. Symphony no 1 is absolutely wonderful and I am looking forward to the eventual release of sym nos 2 + 3!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Ilja on Sunday 23 August 2009, 22:24
A press release by a Dutch distribution company today announced the release of Noskowski's 10th symphony! Seems like a veritable avalanche...  ;)
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Pengelli on Tuesday 25 August 2009, 11:55
Did he? I remember R3 announcing the Karlowicz as his
seventh,poor blighter, (Karlowicz!).
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Peter1953 on Friday 28 August 2009, 09:16
Dear friends, I'm completely under the spell of Noskowski. What a fabulous find! All 3 works are gorgeous. What a powerful, great symphony. Listening to the 2nd movement with your eyes closed, you are in the open country. A student's work, mind you. What a beautiful, in some moments even mysterious Morskie Oko overture.
Very pleased to read on the booklet "Orchestral works, vol. 1"...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Saturday 29 August 2009, 18:50
I am led to believe that the Polish label, Acte Prealable, will record and release, over the next 12-18 months Noskowski's music for violin and piano + his 3 String Quartets. I have no more information yet.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 29 August 2009, 21:10
That's excellent news, Gareth. The Violin Sonata (1875 - i.e. from around the same period as the 1st Symphony), is a most beautiful piece.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Jonathan on Sunday 13 September 2009, 11:08
I thought I should point out that Noskowski's 3rd Symphony (Spring to Spring) was on Through the Night on BBC radio 3 this morning (Sunday 13th September) at 2.19am.

I shall have to listen again via iPlayer...
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Pengelli on Saturday 19 September 2009, 16:14
It seems to have been a bit of a regular!
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Pengelli on Saturday 19 September 2009, 21:19
And incidentally,I enjoyed it too. I have ye olde off air cassette in a box some
where (of both broadcasts;the first one minus a few bars of the opening!)
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Peter1953 on Friday 09 October 2009, 17:19
If you like to listen to just lovely, relaxing piano music, not with great depth but full of pleasant tunes, I can recommend the disc Piano Works 1 (world premiere recording) on the Acte Préalable label. The 18 pieces (opp. 29, 35, 36, 37 and 44) are beautifully performed by Valentina Seferinova, who all Raffians know thanks to Gareth's question to her "Do you play any Joachim Raff?"

I'm still surprised that Noskowski's 1st Symphony is the work of a student. What a gorgeous work, full of depth. Hardly to believe that this masterpiece is written by the same composer of the above mentioned piano pieces.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Yavar Moradi on Sunday 18 October 2009, 04:08
Quote from: Peter1953 on Friday 09 October 2009, 17:19
I'm still surprised that Noskowski's 1st Symphony is the work of a student. What a gorgeous work, full of depth. Hardly to believe that this masterpiece is written by the same composer of the above mentioned piano pieces.

Well, Raff wrote some lightweight, pretty piano pieces too, and look at all HIS masterpieces!

Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 02 February 2010, 17:33
The symphony no. 2 in C minor is from 4 years later (1879, or rather 1875/9); I thought I'd read on a translation of a Polish site that it was available on a limited-edition LP at one point, but now I'm not at all sure. I agree that, judging from the BBC broadcasts, the 3rd symphony is very good stuff. It's good to see that the new recording is labeled volume 1.

Also two string quartets written, etc., but aside from the 3rd symphony I think I've heard only a tone poem and maybe the piano quartet once.
Eric S.
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: JimL on Wednesday 03 February 2010, 05:28
Welcome back aboard, Eric! 
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 03 February 2010, 07:14
Quote from: JimL on Wednesday 03 February 2010, 05:28
Welcome back aboard, Eric!
Thanks!  :) (Oh, and now I do notice the thread about the new recording of Noskowski's string quartets. Ask and, etc.!)
Title: Re: Noskowski Symphony 1
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 03 February 2010, 23:15
Yes, welcome back Eric. It's been along time.