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Topics - Sibeliusfan

Very interesting, thank you for this post. I have two very small modifications: the composers name is Adolphe Biarent and the conductor here is Sylvain Vouillemin.
Composers & Music / Taneli Kuusisto
Monday 21 September 2015, 15:07
Finnish composer Taneli Kuusisto (1905-1988) wrote during World War II a symphonic ballad on Lake Ladoga: "Laatokka".
Does anyone knows more about this piece? For the Finnish the lake was very special as it was part of the Karelian region that was annexed to the Soviet Union in 1945.
Composers & Music / Achilleus (Max Bruch)
Saturday 27 June 2015, 19:45
In the recent past some of Bruch's oratorios have been recorded. In 1993 even his three hours during Achilleus was recorded. However, this recording has long been deleted and on the internet I only found the nine minutes of "Aus der Tiefe des Grames", sung by Emmi Leisner. Who knows where you can hear more or who has a recording for the download-section of this website?
Composers & Music / Albert Wolff
Monday 08 June 2015, 14:46
Many years ago I heard the Flute Concerto by the French composer and conductor Albert Wolff (1884-1970). I even taped the work and I remember it as fine music in the tradition of Fauré. Not highly original, but good to know.
Some forty years later, the cassette is long deleted and as far as I know, Wolff's reputation as a composer never really made it.
I know he wrote some operas and a symphony, but I am keen to hear some more of his music and hope to find a recording of the concerto after all these years.
Thanks for this upload. I must confess that I never heard of Boulnois, but I like his music and was glad to read some more information about him. That makes one curious for more, but I suppose there is not so much more to hear. Does anyone know?
Composers & Music / Jouke Douwenga
Thursday 23 October 2014, 18:27
The Dutch composer Jouke Douwenga (1890-1980) wrote in a romantic style. He composed two piano concertos and many songs, some on Frisian texts. Long ago the concertos were broadcasted and performers were (then) wellknown Dutch pianists like Pierre Palla and Cor de Groot and conductor Willem van Otterloo. Eager to know if there is something preserved.
Composers & Music / Friedrich Klose
Wednesday 22 October 2014, 18:04
Even since the conductor Bruno Walter mentioned the composer Friedrich Klose (1862-1942), comparing the style of his music with Bruckner's, I am curious about Klose's works. There is some information on Klose on Wikipedia and recently the CPO-label issued his opera Ilsebill, so that I could, at last, hear some of his music. Who knows more about Klose and is there more music to be heard?