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Messages - jerfilm

The Glazunov Violin Concerto is one of mine.  Especially after I once heard the passionate and lovely performance by Tretnakov and the USSR SO.  I suppose I've played this a hundred times.   Saint Saens 3rd VC is another I return to often.
Back on topic, the release is now available in the states.  At least Records International has it.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Armas Järnefelt from BIS
Tuesday 07 December 2010, 20:07
And it's now available in the colonies as well.  A nice release IMHO.  I would say on the lighter side- the Fantasy doesn't sound much like a symphony to me.  I like the Suite.   I'd say a must buy for unsungers.....
There is also his Requiem in b, opuw 50, Hyperion for baritone, chorus & orch and Summer Nights Dream for womens chorus and orch. available on CD.
Also Richard Wetz.
Composers & Music / Re: Felix Weingartner (1863-1942)
Thursday 25 November 2010, 21:43
I like the symphonies but the surprise, for me at least, was the lovely Violin Concerto.  I was most surprised I guess by how "romantic" it really was.
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung masterpieces by sung composers
Wednesday 24 November 2010, 13:30
A work I come back to again and again is Rachmaninoff's Cello Sonata.   He was the consumate piano composer and when I hear things like this, I think, this probably should have been named Piano Sonata with cello accompaniment.......

But this issue of what's unsung by sung composers may be a geographical issue as well.   Despite having a world class orchestra in Minnesota, I can't remember the last time they played anything by an unsung.   Let alone an unsung by a sung.  Maybe the Gurrelieder, and that was probably 15 years ago.   Sea Drift and that was 30 years ago.

So Alan and Gareth and maybe others from the UK will probably laugh at this, but at the top of my list would be The Dream of Gerontius.  Someone asks my favorite choral work and I name it, they just give me a stupid look, like "Whaaaat?"

I ramble, sorry.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: 2010 in retrospect
Wednesday 24 November 2010, 01:20
Well, I'm glad I didn't say "commercial" CD.   My database is pretty complete but I don't keep track of performers or labels - heck I figure the few times anyone asks, I can just go look at the disc and find out.

In this case, the performance of Zelenski's Piano Concerto in Eb came from a friend and apparently was originally taped from Polish Radio in 1952.  The performers are Ilga Martusiewicz, piano, Polish Radio National SO under Bydgoszcz (that's what it sez......).  The sound is 1950 mono so not great but at least you get to hear the concerto.  33 minutes

ON the same CD is a quite lovely little Concerto in a by Aleksander Zarzycki (1834-95).   This one apparently was on record, probably Lp, a label called Selene, number 9905.50.  Same orchestra and director but the piano is Jozef Smidowicz.  This one is only 18 minutes long.


Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: 2010 in retrospect
Monday 22 November 2010, 02:00
The Piano Concerto in Eb has been available on CD.
Composers & Music / Re: Poulenc's Concerto for Organ
Monday 22 November 2010, 01:53
I'm with John - my favorites are the Gloria and the Stabat Mater.  The concertos come in second.  I discovered Poulenc in college when the Carleton Choir did the Stabat Mater - Dr. Henry Woodward had transcribed the orchestra part for the four manual organ in the chapel.  It was quite an eye opener for me.
His Symphonys 1,2,3 are on a fairly recent ARS Production CD.
Me either.  This falls in the same catagory as Hyperion PC 50 - the Tchaikovsky.  When there are so many more interesting ones to record, why duplicate these....????

Composers & Music / Re: Elfrida Andrée
Thursday 11 November 2010, 21:21
Correction:  It's her Piano Trio #2.  Sorry about that.
Composers & Music / Re: Elfrida Andrée
Thursday 11 November 2010, 21:03
The original post referred to Videos and someone asked about that and did not get an answer, I believe.  They are on YouTube.  There also is a complete performance of Andree's Organ Symphony #2 in Eb that you can also find if you do a little searching.  And her Piano Quintet.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Röntgen PCs 2 & 4 from cpo
Thursday 04 November 2010, 15:39
It is sketchy.  Do you know if either 2 or 4 is the Concerto in D, opus 18 that was available on CD at one time?