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Messages - Ser Amantio di Nicolao

Suggestions & Problems / Re: Introduce yourself here.....
Thursday 17 November 2011, 22:03
Quote from: Jimfin on Thursday 17 November 2011, 21:22
A tiny bit of Ina Boyle ('The Magic Harp', all nine minutes of it) appeared on one of the latest Dutton releases 'Dan Godfrey Encores', one of the more interesting pieces on there. It was the first time I'd heard any of hers, though I'd vaguely heard of her, as being cousin to Charles Wood. I shall check out that concerto soon (when I've waded through the masses of delights I'm finding on here).

I noticed that the last time I drooled over their site.  Thankfully, finding it here has saved me having to order the CD.  :D

Ah, who'm I kidding?  It'll probably show up on my shelf sooner or later, next to the Carwithen and the Guirne Creith...
Suggestions & Problems / Re: Introduce yourself here.....
Thursday 17 November 2011, 19:55
Quote from: Dundonnell on Thursday 17 November 2011, 19:11
Some of us are still 'young in heart', dear lad ;D ;D

The Ina Boyle is utterly gorgeous, isn't it :) :)

Stunning.  I wonder if she's going to be on Dutton's list any time soon.  (I also must confess, I wouldn't mind finding a copy of one of her choral pieces - it would be fun to show around my choir, if nothing else.)

All of these wonderful BBC broadcast bits remind me of the good old days when my local NPR station would play some things worth hearing.  (I still have fond memories of discovering Peter Schickele's second piano quintet and Elmer Bernstein's guitar concerto thanks to Performance Today.)  Nowadays all I get on the local radio is classical top-40.  I swear, they play Scheherazade at least every other night.

Which explains why I'm listening to Dorothy Howell after dinner instead. :-)
Suggestions & Problems / Re: Introduce yourself here.....
Thursday 17 November 2011, 18:48
Good to see a couple of other young'uns on the list.  :D

I'm 27, and I live in the Washington, DC suburbs.  In my daily life I am a functionary (as are so many others in this town).  I'm also known as "that classical freak", I think.  (Who knew displaying a picture of Amy Beach in your cube could cause so much consternation?)  I grew up with classical music all around; I've been going to concerts, and the opera, for as long as I can remember, and have been a choral singer since middle school, with a few years' break after college.  (For those who feel guilty about not being able to read music, don't feel too bad about it; I'm still not secure with sight-reading, and I've been singing for most of my life.)

I actually ended up here while doing a search for information on a Turkmen composer (which one, I can't remember at the moment).  And then got sucked in by the incredible selection of things by people I've always heard about, but whose music is as yet a mystery to me.  I downloaded the Ina Boyle violin concerto last night, and was gobsmacked by how gorgeous it was...I actually listened through it twice before bed.

My interests are, to say the least, eclectic, but hew mainly towards American (especially pre-1950 - thanks for the Mary Carr Moore, too) and British of the Vaughan Williams era.  (Speaking of of my dreams is to someday resurrect her first opera Narcissa, and get it performed once or twice.  I can think of plenty worse things to put on the boards, judging by that concerto.)

I don't have much of my owo to offer, as my collection is mainly CDs, but I have some Slovenian discis whose copyright I'll need to check, but which appear to be unavailable outside of Ljubljana.  Other than that, there's always the Library of Congress...
Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: British music broadcasts
Thursday 17 November 2011, 18:34
I have say, thank you, thank you, for the Ina Boyle and the Dorothy Howell.  I listened to Boyle's violin concerto twice last night - it's really gotten under my skin.  I've long known both names from various and sundry encyclopedias, and it was nice to finally put some music in place to go with them.  Next up, some more of the Maconchy.  And perhaps some Cipriani Potter, if I have the time tonight.