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Messages - Alan Howe

The answer for me is probably the symphony, which I do regard as the ultimate form of musical expression.

However, Verdi's Otello is great music, as are Raff's Piano Quartets. And now I have discovered Klughardt's wonderful Violin Concerto, so, much as I think the symphony is the ultimate, I could not possibly limit myself to a particular form as the one I like best. Great music is great music, whatever form it takes, and in the end that is what I like best.
I'm very glad to hear about the excellent progress being made with the recording. And thanks for the updates!
Composers & Music / Re: New Member...
Tuesday 16 June 2009, 20:03
I am sure that we are all pleased to have you on board, as it were. And don't worry at all about mis-labelling composers: we are used to to pooling our collective ignorance on this forum!!

So, welcome!
Composers & Music / Re: Eggert Alert
Sunday 14 June 2009, 22:17
Sounds like a project for Bo Hyttner and Sterling (he often records with the Gävle orchestra)...
Mahler on steroids is pretty wide of the mark, I think. However, Langgaard was definitely on something...
Suggestions & Problems / Re: Avatars - yes or no?
Saturday 13 June 2009, 22:32
Sorry, I'm against - and I did see the poll. But only just!
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: VCs on Dacapo
Saturday 13 June 2009, 18:42
The Lange-Müller VC is quite an original piece, sounding as though it is built on folk-like themes and having a rhapsodic feel throughout. It is occasionally very beautiful indeed and full of feeling. Highly recommended to those who don't know it!
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: VCs on Dacapo
Saturday 13 June 2009, 17:05
The Langgaard VC is a curious, but enjoyable piece. Only nine and a half minutes long, it has a prominent part for piano and gives the impression of being a sort of pastiche, with (as the sleevenote indicates) high-Romantic passages mingling with others of a more neo-classical flavour. Not really my cup of tea, but a nice filler for the other two VCs on the CD.

Suggestions & Problems / Re: Suggestions
Saturday 13 June 2009, 14:20
I'm against anything which trivialises the forum, including Avatars - for me they are a complete waste of time. I'd prefer photos, but actually anything which makes a lot of extra work for Mark for very little extra gain seems to me far from worthwhile.
Recordings & Broadcasts / VCs on Dacapo
Saturday 13 June 2009, 14:12
Friends may be interested in this new CD of VCs from Dacapo...

The three concertos it contains are those by Niels Gade, Lange-Müller and Rued Langgaard.

Being a great fan of the Gade VC, I bought the CD for that particular work and am glad to say that the performance is splendid. For anyone unfamilar with the piece, this is late Gade (1880) - and very much all of a piece with other roughly contemporary VCs such as those by Reinecke and Dietrich. So, if you don't know it, here is a golden opportunity to acquire it on a CD with two other interesting rarities - of which more later...
Composers & Music / Re: Franz Lachner
Thursday 11 June 2009, 22:27
Chris is very busy at present; in addition several of us are in touch with him anyway, so there's no need to e-mail him with regard to the forum.
Composers & Music / Re: Franz Lachner
Thursday 11 June 2009, 13:28
John: Lachner 8 is planned for 2010 - the date has yet to be confirmed.
Rats! You beat me to it, Mark. Looks interesting indeed...
Composers & Music / Re: Lost composers
Sunday 07 June 2009, 22:34
I don't know of any (Romantic-era) anonymous symphonies. I remember that the 'Jena' Symphony was once thought to be an early work by Beethoven - but we now know that it was composed by Friedrich Witt. It actually sounds much more like Haydn...
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Ernest Reyer
Sunday 07 June 2009, 09:51
Yes, that's true, Mark. I've always thought that Wagnerians must have immense patience! Mind you, the actual compositional idiom of Wagner is so powerful, his use of the orchestra so wonderful that, when the big moments come, they are beyond anything most operatic composers can offer. Act 1 of Die Walküre in the Karajan performance, for example, is just full of magic in the orchestral performance and vocal execution...